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    Title: 現代華人國際移民:以俄羅斯為個案研究
    The Modern Stage of Chinese International Migration: The Case Study of Russian Federation’
    Authors: 塔瑪拉
    Guseva, Tamara
    Contributors: 蘇卓馨
    Su, Cho-Hsin
    Guseva, Tamara
    Keywords: 華人移民
    Chinese migration
    ‘new’ Chinese migration
    Chinese diaspora
    ‘yellow peril’
    Chinese community in Russia
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-10 11:00:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: The paper is dedicated to the phenomenon of the new Chinese international migration, which appeared after 1978. As it stands, it affected more than 160 countries and fundamentally changed the cultural, social and economic structure of overseas Chinese communities, which has been formed over many decades. The transformation of the PRC’s diaspora policy was also an important factor which changed the structure of migration flows. At the same time, this thesis acquaints the reader with the study of Chinese migration in the Russian Federation, its uniqueness as well as bringing in the categorization of Chinese migration to Russia, the issue of their numbers on the near-border territories, and economic activities of Chinese community within the country.
    Specifically, this study aims to come to an understanding of the new wave of Chinese migration. In placing current issue within a historical framework and analyzing the asymmetrical nature of Chinese international migration, we try to explore the dimensions which make this a peculiar area of study.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1049260241
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMAS.009.2018.A07
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