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    Title: B2B電子商務平台品質信號對賣家聲譽之影響
    The effects of e-commerce quality signals on the seller reputation
    Authors: 黃湘芸
    Contributors: 簡睿哲
    Keywords: 信號理論
    Signaling theory
    International diversification
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-10 10:24:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 電子商務平台使得消費者能更加方便比較各賣家資訊,而在擁有眾多競爭對手的電子商務交易平台上,賣家該發送出哪些信號,以建立其聲譽進而提高其銷售量,並增加減少消費者所感知到的知覺風險,增加信任及消費者購買意願,為賣家所面臨之課題。
    本研究共蒐集297家公司企業之資料,並以IBM SPSS 25.0統計軟體對資料樣本進行敘述性統計分析以了解樣本特性,接著使用階層迴歸分析來驗證假說,最終使用PROCESS插件進行調節效果分析,實證發現:
    一、 對於初次造訪之消費者,賣家所設置之客服人員數量越多、賣家回應時間越快速、賣家回應率越高,皆能有效提升賣家聲譽。
    二、 若賣家能在顧客下訂單後,即時出貨,對於賣家聲譽也有正向顯著影響。
    三、 賣家國際多角化程度越高,便會削弱賣家平均回應時間與其聲譽間關係。

    The e-commerce platform makes it easier for consumers to compare the information of sellers. With many competitors on the e-commerce platform, what signals should the seller send out to build their reputation, increase their sales, and reduce perceived risk to increase consumer willingness to purchase, is the subject of the seller.
    This study uses a well-known B2B e-commerce transaction platform as the research object. Using the service quality and delivery quality as the self-variables to explore the impact of quality signals on the reputation of the seller on the e-commerce platform. Use international diversification as a moderator variable to explore its adjustment effect on service quality signals and seller reputation.
    This study collected a total of 297 companies and data, using the IBM SPSS 25.0 statistical software to conduct a narrative statistical analysis of the data samples to understand the sample characteristics, and then use the hierarchical regression analysis to verify the hypothesis, then in the end, use the PROCESS plug-in to analyze the effect of the moderator. Finding in this study:
    1. The more the number of customer service employees, the faster the seller responds, and the higher the seller`s response rate, can effectively improve the seller`s reputation.
    2. If the seller can ship immediately after the customer places an order, it will have a positive and significant impact on the seller`s reputation.
    3. The higher the degree of international diversification of sellers, the weaker the relationship between the seller`s average response time and its reputation.

    Keywords: signaling theory, reputation, international diversification
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105351038
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.030.2018.F06
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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