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    Title: 女性健髮產品消費者決策流程研究
    An Investigation Into Consumer Decision Process of Female Hair Care Treatment
    Authors: 蔣紫緹
    Jiang, Tzu-Ti
    Contributors: 張愛華

    Jiang, Tzu-Ti
    Keywords: 消費者決策流程
    EKB Model
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-07 17:23:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究發現,台灣具有落髮困擾的女性比例不亞於男性。許多廠商因應女性落髮的趨勢,開始推出女性專屬健髮產品,但目前市面上的產品及廣告主要訴求對象皆以男性為主,因此許多品牌在行銷操作上除了不了解女性消費者,也無前例可做參考。因此本研究希望能夠提供品牌在行銷操作上的建議,讓消費者使用產品後得以解決落髮困擾。本研究主要以消費者決策流程EKB模型為架構,針對六位不同年齡但具有落髮困擾的女性進行質化訪談,並擬定兩大研究問題:
    Recently, researches on hair loss issue show that there has been an increasing concern about female hair loss problem. More and more companies launch the hair care treatment. However, the main appeals for products and advertisements in the market are mainly for male. Brands are hardly to find the reference on marketing to female hair care treatments. There are two main research questions, upon which the investigation results, will be helpful for marketers to draw future marketing plans.
    The first one is to figure out the decision making process of women over 25 years old who have concern on hair loss. Therefore, the research interviewed six females with hair problems based on the EKB Model. The results show that respondents have several hair loss problems. The main problem is increasing hair loss. They often find out after washing hair or being told from their hair stylists. They will often look it up through the Internet for solutions of hair loss problems. When they consider the product, they consider more on its efficacy and brand reputation. Most respondents buy special shampoo, instead of hair care treatment, to solve their hair loss problem. The main reason is because they are concerned with the side effects. Some users lapse from the hair care treatment since the treatment doesn’t work for them and the price is too high. Therefore, they don’t want to rely on it forever.
    Above all, companies should dedicate to meet consumer needs and communicate to consumers more often. Besides, showing the efficacy directly to consumer could possibly initiate consumer to buy hair care treatment. Most important of all, brands should convince consumers that their hair care treatments aren’t harmful.
    The second one is to find out how to design the appeal of print advertising for women over 25 years old who have hair loss problems. Based on the results of our research, consumers prefer advertisements that clearly show the period of treatment to be effective. The preferred period for consumers is within 3 months.
    To make the research more generalizable, adding amount of consumers and from different area should be considered in the future. Besides, to make the result more valuable, the research can divide the hair care treatment into two categories (with Minoxidil and without Minoxidil). It is, also suggested that some other methods be used to increase the validity of research findings, such as in-store observation, quantitative research and online word-of-mouth research.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363020
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.060.2018.F08
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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