題名: | 探討傳統貨幣與數位貨幣的運作機制之差異- 以黃金與比特幣為例 Explore the difference between the operation mechanism of traditional currency and digital currency – Using Gold and Bitcoin as an example |
作者: | 劉智鈞 Liu, Chih-Chun |
貢獻者: | 尚孝純 Shang, Shari S. C. 劉智鈞 Liu, Chih-Chun |
關鍵詞: | 黃金 比特幣 貨幣 金錢 數位貨幣 Gold Bitcoin Currency Money Digital currency |
日期: | 2018 |
上傳時間: | 2018-08-07 17:21:40 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 貨幣一直存在,從個別銀行打印的票據到比特幣。如今,全球有數十億人正在使用數字貨幣。與此同時,銀行印刷的真實貨幣越來越數字化,它與比特幣等數字貨幣競爭。2017 年3 月3 日,比特幣的價格攀升至一盎司黃金價格之上。許多投資者已經將比特幣視為避險和投機選擇之一,這也許並不令人驚訝,有鑑於此,本文的研究問題是:(1)比特幣是不是貨幣?(2)比特幣會成為新的黃金嗎?(3)為什麼比特幣變得如此受歡迎與不受歡迎?
這項研究應該有助於人們理解“比特幣爭議”。首先,比特幣潛在的高風險和波動性以及加密貨幣仍然是一個實驗性概念的事實是第一個關鍵點,接下來,與比特幣密切相關的是,比特幣沒有明顯的內在價值,比特幣看起來更像是投機性的投資而非貨幣。比較顯示,與黃金相比,比特幣似乎不是一個安全的投資避風港。因此,透過延伸,比特幣不會成為新的黃金。比特幣的價格是由區塊鏈,比特幣交易成本,比特幣詐騙等驅動的。有鑑於此,我們希望這項研究能夠對傳統貨幣和數字貨幣提供客觀和系統的觀點,並揭示比特幣現象的見解。 Currencies have always existed, all the way from notes printed by individual banks to bitcoin. Today there are billions of people around the world now using digital currency. At the same time, real money printed by banks is increasingly going digital, where it competes with digital currencies like bitcoin. The price of a bitcoin had climbed above that of a troy ounce of gold on 3 March 2017. It is perhaps not so surprising that many investors have already considered bitcoin as one of the safe-havens or a speculative option. In the light of this, the research questions of this paper are: (1) Is bitcoin a currency or not? (2) Will bitcoin become the new gold? (3) Why did bitcoin become so popular and unpopular?
This study aims to conduct content analysis on traditional and digital currencies in order to understand the “Bitcoin controversy”. To answer the research questions, we aggregated some prior studies and studied the finance and technology reviews of various practitioner cases from online resources including official websites, newsletters, magazines, and so on. The collected data will be analyzed and compared by three primary dimensions. The first dimension is the functions of money and its intrinsic value. The second dimension is the characteristics of money. The third dimension is the economics of bitcoin, such as supply and demand, investment, bitcoin manipulation, bitcoin search trends, initial coin offering (ICO) and so on, as well as to understand both deeply and comprehensively the operation of gold and bitcoin in terms of their similarities and differences.
This research should help people understand the “Bitcoin controversy”. To start with the potential high risk and volatility of bitcoin and the fact that cryptocurrency remains an experimental concept is the first key point. Next, closely associated to that, bitcoin has no tangible intrinsic value. Bitcoin appears to behave more like a speculative investment than a currency. As comparison shows, it does not appear to be a safe haven for investment compared to gold. Therefore, by extension, it will not become the new gold. The price of bitcoins is driven by blockchain, bitcoin transaction cost, bitcoin scams and so on. Given this, we hope that the research will offer an objective and systematic perspective about traditional currency and digital currency and reveal the insights of the bitcoin phenomena. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理學系 105356026 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1053560261 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MIS.014.2018.A05 |
顯示於類別: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文