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    Title: 比較大眾使用盜版影音平台和正版影音平台的滿意度研究
    A Comparison Study of User Satisfaction between Pirated Online Video Platform and Legitimate Online Video Platform
    Authors: 徐于晴
    Hsu, Yu-Ching
    Contributors: 黃思明
    Hwang, Syming
    Hsu, Yu-Ching
    Keywords: OTT影音平台
    OTT video platform
    Online video piracy
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-02 16:45:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2016年時,Netflix、愛奇藝、Dailymotion等境外OTT影音平台分別進入台灣市場,開啟了OTT影音平台在台灣百家爭鳴的樣貌。然而,OTT影音平台在台灣市場也不是經營得非常順利,眾OTT影音平台深受台灣盜版影音平台猖獗所擾。故本研究探討大眾在使用盜版影音平台和正版影音平台時,對於各功能在滿意度的差距。透過比較各功能屬性的滿意度,以期提供給正版影音平台廠商在平台上的改善方向。研究問題包含以下兩點:
    1. 在影音平台的基礎系統建設相關題項(意即系統品質)中,在「平台不用登入即可使用,很方便」、「影片有多個片源」及「我在Google搜尋xxx線上看,更容易找到該影音平台的影片,讓我覺得方便」等3項,使用者對於盜版影音平台的滿意度明顯大於正版影音平台。
    2. 在影音平台的影片內容相關題項(意即資訊內容品質)中,在「影片數目
    3. 其他如「價格便宜/免費」及「觀影前有廣告不影響我的觀影體驗」等2項,使用者對於盜版影音平台的滿意度明顯大於正版影音平台。
    In 2016, foreign OTT video platforms such as Netflix, iQiyi and Dailymotion have entered Taiwan, starting the prosperous era of Taiwan OTT video platform. However, OTT platforms were deeply disturbed by online piracy platform. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare the satisfaction scale of each attribute between legitimate OTT platform and pirated OTT platform, identify the attributes that pirated platform outperform legitimate platform, and propose the improvement direction for legitimate OTT platform.
    This study combined information success model and website service quality model, and proposed the 38 key attributes to evaluate the satisfaction scale between legitimate OTT platform and pirated OTT platform. A questionnaire survey and pre-test were adopted to collect the data. The study obtained 756 valid questionnaires. After conducting narrative statistics, chi-square tests, and independent sample t-tests by SPSS, the study obtained the following conclusions:
    (a) In system quality aspect, the satisfaction scale of the following attributes have a higher score in pirated OTT platform, “no log-in on the OTT platform”, ”the platform and videos are easier to search on Google” and “the video has multiple sources”.
    (b) In information content quality aspect, the satisfaction scale of the following attributes have a higher score in pirated OTT platform, “the number of the video”, ”more popular videos”, “more classic videos”, and “ abundant video genre”.
    (c) In other aspect such as “the price is low” and “advertisements before videos won’t affect my viewing experience”, the satisfaction scale of the following attributes have a higher score in pirated OTT platform.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1053631041
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.054.2018.F08
    Appears in Collections:[MBA Program] Theses

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