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    Title: 直播平台對網紅管理機制探討
    A Case Study on the Managed Mechanisms of Live Streaming Platform for Internet Celebrity
    Authors: 夏子淇
    Hsia, Tzu-Chi
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Chiu, I-Chia
    Hsia, Tzu-Chi
    Keywords: 直播
    Live streaming
    Live streaming platform
    Internet celebrity
    Motivation theory
    The Porter-Lawler model
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-02 16:35:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因網路與科技的快速發展,幾乎人人都能輕鬆的以文字、相片甚至是影片製作想傳遞的內容,並藉由網路快速地散播出去,讓內容能被更多的人看到,創造人氣,導致網紅的誕生,有公司看見此一機會建立直播平台,藉由直播讓喜歡網紅的粉絲能夠透過贈送虛擬禮物增進與網紅關係,創造一波新的高收入行業。在這之中,直播平台會提供網紅多種獎勵機制,藉以提高他們獲得的禮物,增加平台收益。本研究透過文獻回顧,發現許多研究指出網紅對粉絲的吸引力、並提出影響觀眾觀看直播的因素,但針對直播公司影響網紅的研究仍少,本研究針對此缺口,欲了解直播平台如何透過獎勵制度對網紅進行激勵,採用Porter and Lawler (1968)的動機作用理論作為獎勵機制的分析架構,對獎勵機制拆解分析,並探討各作用如何影響網紅。本研究選取浪live直播以及MeMe直播作為研究對象,透過質性研究,深入了解與分析此兩平台提供給網紅的獎勵機制,並瞭解其如何影響網紅。本研究的主要結論為直播平台的獎勵制度中,固定機制滿足的是直播中較基礎的需求,平台活動則會藉由增加吸引力以及預期獲得獎勵機率,對主播努力程度影響較強。且直播平台利用網路的快速連結,可以增加預期獎勵的正確性,減少獎勵制度中的不滿意現象,提高整體機制的吸引力。加上直播有數據易於測量的特性,能提高期望努力後獲得獎勵的機率,進而使個體更加努力。
    The rapid development of Internet and technology let people make text, photos and even video easily and spread it out quickly through the Internet to make the content visible to more people and become popularity. Those who made popular content start to have fans and become internet celebrity. Some company perceive the opportunity and establish live streaming platform. By live streaming, fans who like internet celebrity can enhance their relationship with internet celebrity by giving gifts, creating a new way to make money. Platform companies provide a variety of mechanisms for internet celebrity in order to increase the gift they receive, and thus increase platform revenue. Through literature review, this study finds that many studies point out the attraction of internet celebrity to fans and the factors that affect audiences` behavior of watching live streaming. However, there are still few studies on the factors affecting live broadcasters (internet celebrity). This study adopts the integrated motivation model of Porter and Lawler`s (1968) as an analysis framework to disassembling and analyzing the reward mechanism and exploring how each part affects internet celebrity. This study selected Lang live and MeMe live as research objects, analyze the mechanism provided by these two platforms and understand how it affects internet celebrity.
    The main conclusion of this study is that in the reward system of the live streaming platform, the fixed mechanism satisfies the basic needs in the live broadcast, and the platform activities will have a stronger influence on the effort by increasing the value of reward and perceived effort-reword probability. And the live streaming platform uses the fast link of the network to increase the correctness of the expected rewards, reduce the dissatisfaction in the reward system, and improve the attractiveness of the overall mechanism. In addition, the live streaming has the characteristics that the data is easy to measure, which can increase the perceived effort-reword probability and thus make the individual work harder.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105364114
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.010.2018.F08
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