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Title: | 由關係動力學探究親師生互動新模式:以某技術高中為例 A Case Study Of Guan-Xi-Ology On Parent-Teacher-Student Interactions |
Authors: | 劉淑嫻 Lau, Su Xian |
Contributors: | 陳榮政 Chen, Jung-Cheng 劉淑嫻 Lau, Su Xian |
Keywords: | 關係動力學 親師生互動 對話 關係 學習 Guan-Xi-ology Parent-teacher-student interactions Dialogue Relationship Learning |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-02 16:32:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究透過實際進入學校現場執行田野調查及深度訪談之研究方法,旨在探究與剖析關係動力學對於研究學校的親師生互動影響之歷程、面臨困境與挑戰之方式及提升親師生互動關係的策進作為。研究結果發現研究學校面臨困境及挑戰的關鍵方式為實踐學校為對話無所不在的教育場域,開啟親師生之間平等、自由及開放的對話空間,藉由打破過去的親師生互動原有的框架,親師生間有品質的陪伴,一同面對學習成長的挑戰與困境。另外, 為提升親師生互動關係,研究學校強調親師生互動關係的解構與建構;親師彼此皆是教育孩子的專家且共享教育孩子的責任;師生則是互為主體的互動關係;親子關係則需摒棄傳統管教方式且積極參與孩子的學習與成長。此外,研究顯示親師生互動關係的蛻變需要持續性、實際性、長期性的巨大變革,親師雖在過程中歷盡艱辛,即使需要付上時間與精力,孕育與等待生命的長成依然是親師共同的理想。最後,研究基於研究結果之論述,提出了以關係動力學為基礎哲學的親師生互動新模式及提供研究學校及相關教育機構未來研究之參考。 Qualitative research method including field study and in-depth interview were adopted to collect the data. This study aims to explore and investigate the effect of Guan-Xi-ology on the parent-teacher-student interactions, methods on facing challenges and difficulties on parent-teacher-student interactions and the promotion of the parent-teacher-student interaction by using Guan-Xi-logy. The conclusion of this study is stated as following: (a) facing the difficulties and challenges is to practice ubiquitous dialogue in the school, create an equal and open dialogue opportunities for parents, teachers and students, breaking the traditional framework of parent-teacher-student interactions methods and improve the quality of companionship between parent, teacher and student, (b) in order to enhance the interactions between parents, teachers and students, the school emphasizes on the deconstruction and construction of the relationship between parent, teacher and student, both parent and teacher are the experts in educating children and sharing the same responsibility, parents need to actively learning in order to abandon the traditional way of educating children, (c) the evolution of the interaction between parents, teachers and students requires continuous, practical, and long-term changes, the growth of children is the shared common ideal of the parents and teachers, therefore parents and teachers will need to invest time and put in great effort in order to positively transform the interaction and relationship. Finally, based on the research results, the research proposes a new model of parent-teacher-student interactions based on the Guan-Xi-ology and provides suggestions and references for the future researchers and related educational institutions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育學系 104152016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1041520161 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EDU.007.2018.F02 |
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