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    Title: 現金減資短期市場反應與長期營運績效之分析
    Analysis of short-term market reaction and long-run operating performance on capital reduction
    Authors: 張大羿
    Chang, Ta-Yi
    Contributors: 陳宇紳
    Chang, Ta-Yi
    Keywords: 現金減資
    Capital reduction
    Abnormal return
    Long-run operating performance
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-08-02 16:14:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現金減資在近年來成為台灣企業十分熱門的議題,實行的家數屢創新高,且相繼有規模龐大的龍頭產業宣告現金減資。現金減資藉由降低股本可以提升股東權益報酬率以及每股盈餘等獲利指標,同時退還之現金也不需繳納稅負,對投資人具有立即上的好處。然而,究竟現金減資長期來說對企業是否仍為正面影響亦是市場投資人所關心的焦點,本文藉由探討現金減資後的長期營運績效企圖釐清上述問題。

    In recent years, capital reduction has become a popular means for firms to return profits to shareholders in Taiwan. Through capital reductions, firms can reduce the number of shares outstanding, making profitability measures such as return on equity or earnings per share look nicer and attractive to investors. In addition, shareholders generally welcome capital reduction because cash distributed to shareholders through capital reduction exercise is tax exempted. Despite these immediate benefits, whether capital reduction really benefits shareholders in the long run is an unanswered question. To answer this question, I build on signaling theory and free cash flow theory to examine the market reaction to the announcement of capital reduction news and the association between capital reduction and long-run firm performance.

    There are three main findings in this study. First, market reaction surrounding the announcement of capital reduction news is significantly positive, indicating that investors generally view capital deduction as good news. Second, firms’ long-run operating performance subsequent to the event of capital reduction varies with firm characteristics. Specifically, high growth firms, nonfamily firms, and firms with greater foreign institutional ownership tend to outperform matching firms in long-run operating performance, consistent with the prediction of signaling theory. Lastly, market reaction in response to news release of capital reduction is positive irrespective of firm characteristics (i.e., growth prospect, family ownership and foreign institutional ownership). This finding suggests that investors do not fully gauge the implication of capital reduction for future firm operating performance and fail to impound such information in stock prices.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105353032
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.ACCT.036.2018.F07
    Appears in Collections:[會計學系] 學位論文

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