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Title: | 特斯拉國際化策略之研究 The Internationalization Strategies of Tesla |
Authors: | 唐毓姍 Tang, Yu-Shan |
Contributors: | 于卓民 傅浚映 唐毓姍 Tang, Yu-Shan |
Keywords: | 國際化策略 特斯拉公司 電動車 汽車產業 Internationalization strategy Tesla Inc. Electric vehicle Automobile industry |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-01 16:56:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,全球暖化暖化議題受到重視,各國政府紛紛針對汽車產業制定減碳政策,限制車輛碳排放量及減少燃油汽車的銷售,使得電動車產業逐漸蓬勃發展,在這波電動車廠崛起的時代中,特斯拉公司(Tesla Inc.)從2003年創立以來至2018年,已經拓展至28個國家,成為全球最大的純電動車廠。 本研究將深入了解特斯拉公司(Tesla Inc.) 電動車的國際化策略,透過次級資料研究法,探討特斯拉選擇走入國際市場的動機,並以五個國際市場為例,研究特斯拉公司如何挑選國際市場、進入策略及經營模式。 本研究發現特斯拉公司國際化動機為透過進入新市場,擴大電動車市場規模,增加銷售額,同時與地主國政府建立良好的關係,爭取優渥補助政策,另一方面,規劃以地主國作為生產據點,成為進入該區域的敲門磚。而在挑選國際市場時,特斯拉公司傾向於選擇該地區,具備代表性的市場,考量政治經濟穩定、電動車補助政策及市場成長潛能,判斷該國銷售機會,作為進入市場關鍵因素。在進入策略及經營模式上,因電動車具備需正確傳遞產品知識、快速搜集各國消費者回饋資訊及廣設充電站的特性,特斯拉公司採取直接投資子公司及及直營展示中心的進入方式,與傳統燃油車廠透過代理商銷售模式不同,直接面對地主國消費者,因應各國需求調整經營策略,並且高效率高品質的拓展充電據點。 本研究可做為欲效仿特斯拉公司國際化策略的相關業者,進入國際市場的策略建議。 In recent years, government pays more attention to global warming and have formulated carbon reduction policies for the automobile industry, including limiting CO2 emissions and reducing the sales of new petrol and diesel cars, flourishing the electric vehicles industry. In this electric vehicles revolution, Tesla Inc. , established in 2003, has become the biggest electric vehicle manufacturer, with coverage in 28 countries. This study provides an in-depth research of Tesla Inc. internationalization strategies of electric vehicles. The research method applied is secondary data research. The study analyzes the motives for Tesla internationalization and research five international market as case studies to identify the key point of Tesla international markets selection, entry strategies and business models. As result of this study, firstly, Tesla`s internationalization motivations are to expand the market size of electric vehicles and increase its sales by entering new markets. Also, Tesla builds up good relationship with the host country governments to obtain preferential subsidies. At the same time, Tesla steps into the region by manufacturing electric vehicle in host countries. Secondly, When selecting the international market, Tesla will choose a representative market in the region, considering political and economic stability, electric vehicles subsidy policy and market growth potential, and the country`s sales opportunities as a key factors in selecting such market. Thirdly, Tesla has adopted direct investment and has operated display centers directly as entry strategies to the host country because Tesla needs to transmit the correct product knowledge, to collect first-hand consumers’ feedback and to set up the charging stations with high efficiency and high quality. This study provides recommendations on internationalization strategies to vendors who are interested in entering the international market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 105363025 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1053630251 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.052.2018.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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