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Title: | 回憶錄大富翁創業計畫書 The Business Plan for Memoir Monopoly |
Authors: | 林于翔 LIN, YU-HSIANG |
Contributors: | 別蓮蒂 林于翔 LIN, YU-HSIANG |
Keywords: | 高齡 失智症 長照 商業模式 互動軟體 Assistive technology Business plan Memoir monopoly Design |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-08-01 16:52:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 回憶錄大富翁是由兩位臺科大畢業的設計師,針對失智症患者所需而設計出的復健輔具。兩位設計師透過實際走訪照護機構,並且與專業職能治療師進行訪談,將失智症進行懷舊治療過程時所遇到的問題逐一列出,進而開發出的一款彈性且結合多元素材的客製化訓練遊戲軟體。
本計畫書針對長照體系三大利害關係人,分別是高齡長者、第一線照護人員以及機構與家人,透過「非標準化深度訪談」的方式從中瞭解他們的需求與成本,進而規劃出不同的獲利與營運模式,讓所有利害關係人有不同方案可以選擇。而除了提供多元方案選擇之外,回憶錄大富翁團隊亦考量到市場對於價格的接受度,透過「成本加成法」進行模組定價,並透過商業模式規劃,與社區中心、長照機構、銀髮產品企業、職能治療工作室、程式開發公司等策略夥伴進行跨領域合作,降低相關成本,讓顧客可以用更低的價格享受更高品質的服務。 Memoir Monopoly is an assistive technology tool for the rehabilitation of the elderly living with dementia, it is developed by two designers graduated from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. During their visits to the daycare center and interview with the occupational therapist, they noticed the problems with the current process of Reminiscence Therapy of the dementia. They decided to come up with the idea for customized assistive software that is both flexible and diverse.
To hold the spirit of “Authentic Design”, the team expect the product to meet greater market demand. In order to respond to the trend of global aging population and the lack of caregiver resource, the team adjusted the product scope to include more users: senior citizens, sub-health senior citizens, care institutions, caregivers and training units by product itself was designed to be flexible. The plan is to modularize the current product and differentiated price for each module with minor customization by request to suit the different need of each customer group.
This Business Plan was drafted based on the demand of three major stakeholders: elders, the caregivers and care institution/family members of the elders. Through Unstructured Interviews with each party, the team customized the product to suit each stakeholders’ demand providing diverse options for the stakeholders while keeping the product profitable. In Addition to price variation module, the team also consider price acceptability of the market; utilizing “cost-plus pricing” strategy and collaboration programs with partners such as community, long-term care institutions, senior-oriented enterprise, occupational therapist, programmers and others to achieve economy of scale, allowing end users to enjoy the quality service with competitive price. |
Reference: | 中文文獻 內政部統計處 (民106年),106年第10週內政統計通報,3月11日 台灣失智症協會 (民106年) ,http://www.tada2002.org.tw,107年7月12 日 回憶錄大富翁 (民104年),https://readymag.com/MemoirMonopoly/home/,107年7月12日 李文光 (民97年),台灣失智症醫療利用及費用分析,長榮大學醫務管理學研究所碩士論文 李育道與蔣志偉 (民107年),高齡化!長期照護專員人力需求大,TVBS,2月26日 周思宇 (民106年),引導國人任照服員彌補缺口,中國時報,8月6日 卓思陽 (民104年),失智症長者復健訓練輔助產品之設計與研究-以回憶錄大富翁為例,國立臺灣科技大學設計研究所碩士論文 衛生福利部 (民102年),失智症防治照護政策綱領(103年-105年) 衛生福利部 (民107年),失智症防治照護政策綱領暨行動方案2.0
英文文獻 Alzheimer’s Disease International (2015). World Alzheimer Report 2015, 1-4. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 104363114 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363114 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.053.2018.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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