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    Title: 以結構比對理論與注意力驅動機制探討消費者品牌識別標誌美感決策評價歷程
    Exploring the Evaluation Process of Aesthetic Judgment on Logo by Structure Comparison Theory and Attention Driving Mechanism
    Authors: 楊偉顥
    Yang, Wei-Hao
    Contributors: 別蓮蒂

    Bei, Lien-Ti
    Shen, Yung-Cheng

    Yang, Wei-Hao
    Keywords: 相似性
    Structure alignment theoy
    Logo aesthetic comparison
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-31 14:06:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在瞭解消費者如何評比一個產業內的多個品牌Logo,或當品牌進行品牌改造,或想使用新Logo經營品牌延伸時,消費者如何比較原始Logo和新設計Logo的差異與美感,並產生評價。本研究透過一個質性訪談與三個實驗,以結構比對理論與注意力驅動觀點來探討消費者在Logo美感比較與Logo美感相似性判斷的歷程。

    研究一透過質性深度訪談法,萃取出兩大類共九項消費者在進行Logo比較時的美感準則,具象美感準則:彩度、明度、顏色協調感、結構對稱、重心均衡;詮釋美感準則:意義、設計感、圖案設計概念簡單、現代。進一步,從美感準則被提取的數量分析發現,在比較的情境中,美感準則類型上,詮釋美準則數量皆多於具象美準則。在共通與差異屬性上,則多以對位差異屬性數量為主。若以兩項美感判斷任務來看,相似性判斷中不論美感準則類型,皆以對位差異屬性居多;但在美感評價任務中,詮釋美感準則屬非對位差異屬性較多,具象美感準則以對位差異屬性較多。 研究一訪談結果,發現消費者在隨機呈現不同品牌的Logo間比較Logo美感與相似性判斷,美感準則類型與差異屬性會對消費者在做Logo間美感比較與相似性判斷時有影響。



    This thesis aimed to ascertain how consumers would evaluate the similarity and make aesthetic judgement between the original logo and the new logo of a brand in the process of a brand’s reform or a brand extension. Through a qualitative interview and three experiments, the study explored the process of consumers` aesthetic comparison and judgment on the aesthetic similarity between logos using the structural alignment theory and attention-driven perspective.

    In the qualitative in-depth interview, a total of nine aesthetics principles that consumers used in the logo comparison process was elicited and then classified into two categories. The first category is concrete aesthetic principles which include: color, lightness, color harmony, structural symmetry, and balance of structure. The second category is interpretational aesthetic principles which entail: meaning, sense of design, simplicity in the design concept, and modernity. A further analysis of the aesthetic principles and their alignable and non-aligable attributes showed that non-alignabilities outnumbered alignabilities in interpretational aesthetic principles when consumers were given the task to make aesthetic choices. On the other hand, more alignabilities than non-alignabilities were identified in concrete aesthetic principles in consumers’ aesthetic judgment. In addition, the number of alignabilities exceeded that of non-alignabilities in both concrete and interpretational aesthetic principles in the similarity task.

    Study two was a 2 (concrete aesthetic principle vs. interpretational aesthetic principle) x2 (alignable difference vs. non-alignable difference) factorial experiment designed to test the influence of different design combinations on aesthetic comparison and similarity judgment. The result showed that consumers significantly relied more on alignable difference attributes than on non-alignable difference attributes when asked to evaluate the similarity between the original logo and the new logo, while non-alignable differences had a greater influence on their aesthetics judgment. The study assumed that aesthetic principles would be influenced by the presentation and the evaluation task. Differences between alignable and non-alignable presentations observed in the two tasks under any of the same aesthetic principle were examined. The hypothesis was supported by the result. In the similarity task, differences between alignable and non-alignable presentations under concrete aesthetic principles were bigger than those found under interpretational aesthetics principles. Moreover, in the aesthetic judgment task, differences between alignable and non-alignalbe presentations found under interpretational aesthetics principles were bigger than those under concrete principles.

    Study Three and Four extended the result of Study Two in the context of brand extension. The assumption of the two experiments was held that the influence of aesthetic principles and alignablities would be moderated by the distance between the categories of the original product and extension product. Generally, consumers relied on alignable difference attributes to compare the similarity of the two logos and non-alignable difference attributes to make aesthetic judgment. Nonetheless, the moderator effect of the distance of the categories of the original and extension products were not significance.

    The study found that non-alignable difference attributes were more important than alignable ones when making aesthetic judgement. Also, alignable difference attributes played a greater role in similarity judgment. The theoretical contribution of this study is to test the alignabilitiy effect on integrated graphic messages. This study clarified the influence of the relationships between alignable and non-alignable attributes and aesthetics principles. The importance of non-alignable difference attributes will be established only when the attribute content requires high cognitive resources like interpretational aesthetic principles.

    The commercial applications expected in this study, are to provide new references for logo designs. If a new brand is to incorporate aesthetic elements into its logo design, it is advised to add a unique interpretational aesthetic element. If a company is looking to strengthen the link between its consumers and its existing brands, it may consider employing design elements of its existing brand logo to create an alignable difference.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0993555053
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.BA.003.2018.F08
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