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    Title: 英⽂學術論⽂中[N1 of N2]構式之探討
    Investigating English [N1 of N2] Constructions in Academic Writing
    Authors: 陳立茵
    Chen, Li-Yin
    Contributors: 鍾曉芳
    Chung, Siaw-Fong
    Chen, Li-Yin
    Keywords: of
    of -構式
    N1 of N2
    N1 of N2
    Semantic relations
    Academic writing
    British National Corpus
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-31 13:43:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 英文中的[N1 of N2] 構式(e.g., every corner of the world) 涵蓋不同種類的名詞組,被英文的介系詞of 所連接。這兩個名詞組分別存在於of 的前後卻產生許多不同的語意關係(semantic relations),其中最常討論到的為部分-整體關係(part-whole) 如:the rim of the mug 以及關係詞語(relational terms) , 如:the mother of the bride (e.g., Langacker, 1999)。雖然[N1 of N2] 這個構式常在英語學術言談的文獻中被提到(e.g., Biber, Johansson, Leech, Conrad & Finegan, 1999; Biber & Gray, 2010; Simpson-Vlach & Ellis, 2010),卻尚少有針對此構式做一個比較完整的研究來了解這些不同的語意關係是否有相關性。因此,本論文的研究目的為探討不同的of -構式,藉此找出它們的語意關係之間的連結,並了它們如何幫助學術論文作者在文章傳遞訊息。本論文採用量化為本的認知語意學為理論架構,針對在British National Corpus 語料庫中的of -構式進行研究。研究結果發現相對於語意關係的分類,N1 和N2 的語意類別無法全然解釋of -構式中不同的語意。此外,研究結果顯示在學術論文中of -構式大多為名詞化的動詞(例如,combination of words) 或是動名詞(如,the advancing of organized interests),這些of -構式主要有兩個功能,首先,此構式本身可以不用標記施事者,並且在當做主詞時可以取代施事者(agent),可以降低明定施事者的風險,而達到謹言慎行(hedging) 的效果。of -構式的第二個功能是可以概括前文(encapsulation) 以一個總結的方式作為主詞,以利後續的銜接(e.g., Sinclair, 1993)。另外,本論文應用多變量分析來找出特定的模式,如,使用covarying collexeme analysis 找出專有名詞為of -構式中最具典範的例子。使用hiearchical configural frequency analysis 發現of -構式在不同的句法位置中,有不同的修飾模式會出現,當它在主詞中出現時,N1 大多會有前方修飾語(premodifier) 但卻比較不會被後方修飾語(postmodifier)。當它出現在受詞中,後修飾語常一起出現,卻比較不會有前修飾語。最後,of -構式在學術論文中有可能是一個很重要的評論媒介,可以把評論放如前修飾語中或以名詞的方式出現。本論為最後提出一個教學應用來提升學習者對of -構式的了解以及一些例子用來提升學習者對of -構式在agent demotion 使用上的理解。
    English [N1 of N2] constructions (e.g., every corner of the world) consist of a
    wide range of nominal groups that are linked by the most commonly found preposition of. The two nominal groups that precede and follow of vary with their semantic relations such as part-whole relations (e.g., the rim of the mug) and relational terms (e.g., the mother of the bride) (e.g., Langacker, 1999). Although the [N1 of N2] constructions (henceforth, of -constructions) have been constantly mentioned in recent studies of English academic discourse (e.g., Biber, Johansson, Leech, Conrad & Finegan, 1999; Biber & Gray, 2010; Simpson-Vlach & Ellis, 2010), not much work has been devoted to considering of -constructions from a comprehensive perspective, i.e., how the varieties of of -constructions are congruent in meaning. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which the different types of of -constructions are linked by various semantic relations and how they are distributed in academic writing and their functions. By adopting a quantification-based Cognitive Semantics approach, this study investigated of -constructions in the academic sub-corpus of the written British National Corpus using the platform BNCweb. Our analysis demonstrate that categorization of semantic categories of N1 and N2 nominal heads is not sufficient to capture the full spectrum of meanings of of -constructions as compared to using semantic relations. The results also show that there is a prevalence of of -constructions involving actions by means of deverbal nominalization (e.g., combination of words) or nominal gerunds (e.g., the advancing of organized interests) in academic writing. In association with these nominalized lexical items, two important functions were identified at the subject position. First, the construction allows a demotion of agent, or a substitution of the of -construction for an agentive subject, possibly to hedge the statement and demonstrate objectivity. The second function is an encapsulation function (Sinclair, 1993) that restates previous statements which in turn sets up the stage or acts as a theme for the academic discourse to build on (e.g., The assessment of practical subjects and their funding remains a problem…). Application of multivariate analyses identified some interesting patterns. First, the covarying collexeme analysis identifies proper names as the most prototypical of -constructions. Another interesting finding using the hiearchical configural frequency analysis is that at different syntactic positions, the of -construction is modified differently. When appearing at the subject position, N1 tends to be premodified but not postmodified. When appearing at the object position, the of -construction is more likely to be postmodified but not premodified at all. This modification pattern appears to allow a quick access to the main verb for ease of processing. Finally, the of -construction could contain evaluative premodifiers (e.g., user-friendly) or evaluative nominal groups (e.g., importance) for evaluation. Towards the end of this study, applications to pedagogy involving a mini corpus and instruction for teaching agent demotion were designed to raise learner’s awareness of the semantic relations of of -constructions.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0985515052
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.ENG.006.2018.A09
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