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    Title: 論數位匯流時代網路影音服務之管制
    On the Regulation of Internet Audio and Video Service in the Age of Digital Convergence
    Authors: 李獻德
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Keywords: 數位匯流
    Digital convergence
    Regulatory framework
    Notice-take down
    Children and youths protection
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-30 15:01:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著網際網路的興起及蓬勃發展,民眾收看影音內容的態樣從傳統廣播電視轉移到網際網路,電腦、智慧型手機乃至平板電腦等都成為民眾收看影音內容的來源。因此本文以數位匯流時代網路影音服務之管制為內容,以內容分析法及訪談法探討如何在兼顧維護表現自由及保障社會公益之前提下,對於OTT影音服務內容為適當之管制,並訪談包括有線廣播電視系統經營者及OTT業者之員工、政府官員及教授共7人,經由不同之觀點,探討對於OTT業者之具體管制內容。
    With the rise and flourish of the Internet, people watch the appearance of audio-visual content from radio and television to the Internet, computers, smart phones and tablet computers have become the source of popular audio-visual content. So this paper takes the regulation of internet audio and video service in the age of digital convergence as content, and discusses how to use the content of analysis method and the interview method to discuss how to regulate the content of the OTT audio and video service under the premise of balancing the freedom of expression and safeguarding the public welfare. A total of 7, including staff, government officials and professors of the CATV broadcast systems operators and OTT, were interviewed, by different perspectives, to discuss the specific regulation of the OTT operators.
    This paper is used for the regulate legal basis of the OTT operators, the responsibility of the OTT operators, the regulate for the overseas OTT operators and the protective structure of children and youths protection to compose the regulatory framework. The study found that in the regulate legal basis, most respondents advocated that the amendment of the existing law, that is,the existing law on the social violations of the norms, be applied to the network of illegal acts, only to be compatible with the internet characteristics. And the responsibility of the OTT operators, the majority of respondents advocated that should be divided into the full responsibility for the audio-visual, the moderate responsibility for the procurement of audio-visual, the user upload the audio-visual performance "notice-take down" procedure can be exempted, this also conforms to the perpetrator is responsible to his behavior for the principle. For the overseas OTT operators, the majority of respondents advocated that should be site-blocking, but should be limited to frequent violations of the law and the circumstances of the major, to make the process of making a site-blocking decision should be legal, rigorous, public, transparent, and should be protected by the network of legal remedy rights. For the protection of children and youths, the majority of respondents advocated that in accordance with the body, psychology, conduct, learning, health and personality development and other aspects, of the formulation of specific and clear laws to protect.
    At last, this paper aims at government organs, OTT operators and network users respectively put forward recommendations, the government agencies should tidy up and design regulate measure to implement the relevant laws; OTT operators in addition to complying with the law and protection of children and youths, and should provide high-quality audio-visual content; network users should reject the viewing of illegal audio-visual content, inclusive teat of the site-blocking, and joint supervision OTT operators. In addition, this paper suggests that the follow-up study can enlarge the respondents to understand the needs of the viewers, and implement personal information protection, improve the quality of the Taiwan programs to cultivate national consciousness, so that the future government agencies to promote OTT industry development and take into account the protection of public interests reference.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104921056
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MEPA.022.2018.F09
    Appears in Collections:[Master for Eminent Public Administrators] Theses

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