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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/119036
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    Title: 以交通特徵預測台北市房地產地價之研究-應用類神經網路之研究途徑
    Predicting Real Estate Price using traffic features in Taipei city-A Neural Network Approach
    Authors: 許安廷
    Hsu, An-Ting
    Contributors: 楊建民

    Yang, Jiann-Min
    Hung, Wei-Hsi

    Hsu, An-Ting
    Keywords: 房地產
    Data mining
    Back-Propagation neural networks
    Hedonic price theory
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-30 14:55:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台北市的房價居高不下,時至今日,要在台北市買一棟房子對於年輕人而言已非易事。在房地產市場中有許多因素都會影響房地產物件價值,不僅是房地產市場景氣,鄰里環境、生活機能、交通便利等等因素更是有顯著影響力的變因,而在討論台北市房價時,房地產具有多少價值才是合理價格是許多人心中的疑問,也是本研究主要探討之議題。

    在眾多特徵值中,過去的研究中證實土地及房屋的可及性與其至市中心的距離大多主要是影響房地價的條件,Agostini and Palmucci (2008)亦提到大眾交通運輸工具帶來的交通易及性不僅使得生活便利,更帶來房地產價值的提升。基於過去基礎,本研究以路網完整性的結構作為影響變數之選擇,包含城市間移動的捷運系統,範圍較小但較密集的公車網路,以及在人們日常生活圈移動中做為代步工具的公共自行車(YouBike)。




    Because of the unusual high price of real estate in Taipei City, young mans have difficulties to buy a house for themselves. The problems deteriorate these days, so the research propose a model to predict the price of real estate in Taipei City.

    Among several features that can affect the price of real estate, the transportation features play the main role. In the past, researches also proved that the transportation accessibility has a great impact on real estate values. Based on these research, we choose three factors in our model including Taipei Metro that can extend the accessibility between cities, the bus lines that serves the entire city and You-Bike that covers smaller areas without bus services.

    According to those issues mentioned above, the purpose of this research is to estimate the landing price in Taipei City by using public transportation factors. Applying a data set with 86,716 real transaction records of real estate in Taipei in 2013-2016, we cut a Taipei City map into multiple grids, then we map the transactions to these grids. Based on these grids of side 100 meters, using a Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPN) to estimate the landing price in Taipei City. This research would like to know the relationship between traffic features and landing prices.

    The research will conduct two experiments to estimate the landing price in Taipei City by the traffic feature combinations, 37840 grid data will be used. We select 3 variables which may impact the value of real estate as input. Empirical study shows that: Firstly, we will pick 70% of the grid data in a random way as training data and the others as testing data. Dividing the landing price to the fourth level, fifth level, and sixth level, and observing the estimation performance. The result reveals that: 1) In the fourth level, the estimation accuracy is 80.21%. 2) In the fifth level, the estimation accuracy is 79.81%. 3) In the sixth level, the estimation accuracy is 79.65%. Secondly, we will merge these grids of side 100 meters into grids of side 400 meters. Then we pick 70% of the grid data in a random way from each grid of side 400 meters as training data, the others as testing data. Similarly, we grade the landing price to the fourth level, fifth level, and sixth level. The result reveals that no matter what level it is, the result is 79.26%. In the future, adding more features or using deep learning model may be a good way to improve the model performance. This estimation model can also be a reference of the support system of landing price valuation in the future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105356027
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MIS.009.2018.A05
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