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    Title: 動勢心理評量研究
    A Study of Dongshi Psychological System
    Authors: 曹羽嫻
    Tsao, Yu-Hsien
    Contributors: 姜忠信
    Chiang, Chung-Hsin
    Tsao, Yu-Hsien
    Keywords: 動勢
    Body potential
    Dongshi psychological system
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-27 12:11:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究背景:李宗芹(2010)將個體隨著時間推移,身體自然而然產生的動作變化及動作潛能稱為「動勢」,並擷取出「身形力度」、「韻律密度」及「感覺強度」三個面向用以描述身體動勢的特性。其中,身形力度涉及身體肌肉與骨骼的協調、發力,用以描述個體的身形樣貌;韻律密度則與身體運作的節奏有關,用以描述身體動作的律動;感覺強度則用以描述身體動作與情緒感受間的連結程度。本研究以李宗芹提出之動勢理論及其發想的動勢評量題項基礎,探究題項品質及身體動勢與相關心理構念的關聯性。
    Lee Tsung-Chin (2010) refers to changes in movement and movement potentials that the body naturally produces over time as Dongshi or “body movement”. Lee uses the following three components to describe Dongshi: “strength of body”, “intensity of body”, and “strength of corporeal feeling”. Among them, “strength of body” describes the figure of the body in terms of the body’s coordination and exertion of the muscles and bones of the body. “Intensity of body” refers to the body’s rhythm as in the rhythm of bodily functions. Lastly, “strength of corporeal feeling” refers to the degree of connection between bodily movements and emotions. Using Lee’s Dongshi Theory and assessment tool – the Dongshi Psychological System, this study explores the quality of the items on the assessment tool as well as the relationship between certain psychological constructs and Dongshi.
    Research Methodology: To ascertain the degree of reliability for the Chinese-version of the scales for each psychological construct item on the assessment tool, questionnaires filled out by 180 college and graduate students were used to calculate the respective internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability of these items. Following this, the results from the Dongshi Psychological System, which measures body movement, and self-report questionnaires taken by 30 college and graduate students were quantified and further analyzed for correlations between Dongshi and psychological constructs.
    Results: The tests for reliability for the Chinese-version of the scales and the Dongshi Psychological System were both satisfactory with only the “intensity of body” dimension showing lower internal consistency. In regards to the relationships between Dongshi and other psychological constructs, both the data-driven and theory-driven approaches showed that those who had a high degree of “strength of body” in Dongshi had lower self-esteem than those who had a lower degree of “strength of body”. In addition, the data-driven analysis showed that those who had a high degree of “strength of body” in Dongshi had lower levels of optimism. The theory-driven analysis showed that those had a high degree of “intensity of body” had lower proactive coping ability. Lastly, those who showed high degrees of “strength of corporeal feeling” in Dongshi were less satisfied with their lives.
    Conclusion: This study was an empirically based explanatory study of Dongshi Theory. However, given that Dongshi Theory and the related assessment tool are still developing, the selection of which psychological construct-related scale to use as well as the scale’s items, scoring system, and measurement methods may still require modifications in the future. In addition, there is still a significant lack of empirical research in this area. The researcher hopes that there will be more related research done on the reliability and effectiveness of Dongshi Theory and the Dongshi Psychological System.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1037520201
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PSY.011.2018.C01
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