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    Title: 網路社群媒體行銷策略與模式比較研究: 旅宿業為例
    A Comparative Study of Internet & Social Media Marketing Strategies and Models –A Case Study of Hospitality Industry
    Authors: 歐允中
    Ou, Yun-Chung
    Contributors: 葉匡時
    Yeh, Kuang-Shih
    Ou, Yun-Chung
    Keywords: 網路社群媒體
    Internet & social media
    Social media marketing
    Internet word of mouth
    International tourist hotels
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-24 11:05:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著網路時代來臨,旅遊資訊取得變得容易,消費者旅遊模式改變,過往需要仰賴旅行社協助規劃旅行的模式逐漸被自由行的旅遊模式取代,消費者不再只是片面從旅行社、品牌商家取得旅遊資訊,取而代之,消費者開始透過搜尋引擎、社群網站來去取得旅遊資訊。因此,旅宿業者在行銷策略及模式上也有了轉變。因為消費者比起商家和品牌商更相信來自親友或是其他消費者的評論、建議,消費者搜尋口碑的狀況變得普遍,這都使得網路社群行銷及口碑行銷變得日益重要。



    As the Internet age develops, obtaining travel information is becoming easier and consumers’ travel behavior is changing accordingly. Travel organized by travel agents has gradually been replaced by Travel organized by oneself, and consumers now no longer merely get information by consulting Travel agents, but also by searching for information on social networks by themselves. Because of this, the marketing strategies and models used in the hospitality industry are changing as well. Consumers now believe reviews and advice from their relatives and other online consumers more than information from travel agents and brands, and consumers’ opinions-searching behavior has become common, which makes internet, social media marketing and word of mouth marketing more and more crucial.

    This case study picks two international tourist hotels (The Regent Hotels and the LDC Hotels & Resorts) and two youth hostels (Stray Birds Hostel and the Taiwan Youth Hostel & Capsule Hotel) as cases, and it conducts a comparative study on their internet & social media marketing strategies and models in three aspects, including how these hotels and hostels organize their internet & social media marketing programs, how they design their internet & social media marketing content, and how they manage the internet word of mouth marketing. Through a combination of interviews, secondary data collection and internet observation, this research tries to understand the essence and true methods of conducting internet & social media marketing and the marketing intentions behind hotel and hostel owners.

    The research results indicate that international tourist hotels mainly construct their social media marketing content by highlighting the hotels’ and restaurants’ activities. Hostels, on the other hand, mainly construct their social media marketing content by highlighting the daily lives of staff and special activities in the hostels. Regarding social media posts, international tourist hotels normally focus on the texture and feeling of the posts, and manage social media platforms with a stricter review mechanism. While the hostels mainly design their social media posts with a focus on attracting more consumers and tend to co-create social media content with other brands and outer partners. With regards to managing internet word of mouth, both international tourist hotels and hostels value online reviews very much. International tourist hotels regard online reviews as an important service performance indicator and important references while picking up joint branding partners. And hostels regard online reviews as crucial references in recruiting and training processes.

    The research concludes with four main suggestions. Firstly, both international tourist hotels and hostels should regard internet & social media platforms as crucial communicating channels, both inward and outward. Secondly, both international tourist hotels and hostels should produce suited content on selected social media platforms and optimize the posts’ effect with technology marketing tools. Third, both international tourist hotels and hostels can reach more customers, as well as activate old customer bases, on the internet (specifically on social media platforms) through joint branding and cross-industry collaboration. Fourth, international tourist hotels and hostels can improve their relations with customers and enhance their internet word of mouth marketing by collaborating with position-matching brands, continually renewing social media activities, listening to customer opinions and responding online sincerely.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1043641281
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TIIPM.006.2018.F08
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