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Title: | 幼兒教師專業成長之研究-工作塑造途徑 The Study of Effective Professional Development of Preschool Teachers: The Job Crafting Approach |
Authors: | 許翊婷 Hii, Ik-Tiin, Mastina |
Contributors: | 徐聯恩 Hsu, Lien-An 許翊婷 Hii, Ik-Tiin, Mastina |
Keywords: | 幼教師 教師專業成長 工作塑造 行動研究 Preschool teachers Teacher professional development Job crafting Action research |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-24 11:03:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 眾所周知,教師專業能力是決定教學品質與學生學習成效的關鍵。由於教師專業發展與成長的最後階段是將所學落實在教學現場,因此,教師如何結合工作塑造(Job Crafting)的觀念與實務,落實教師專業發展與成長活動的成效,是值得關注與探討的。
本研究之結論歸納如下: 一、兩類幼教師提升專業成長方式多數處於「自我充實式」階段,其中有九位的歷程階段處於「困頓挫折」,影響因素以「人的因素」佔居多。
三、兩類幼教師之專業成長方式對提升專業成長都有正面影響。雖皆有影響,但發現影響積極參與專業成長活動的幼教師較多在於與人互動的部分;而影響積極參與專業成長活動的幼教師較多在於內在成長與知識建構的部分。 As we know, the professional competence of teachers is the key in determining the quality of teaching and the effectiveness of students’learning. Since the final stage of professional growth and development of teachers is to put their learning into practice, it is worth paying attention to and discussing how teachers can combine the concepts and practices of Job Crafting and implement the professional development and activities.
The purpose of this study is to: (a) explore the forms of Job Crafting and professional development of preschool teachers who are actively involved in professional development activities; (b) explore the forms of Job Crafting and professional development of preschool teachers who are involved in action research; (c) compare the differences of forms of Job Crafting between two groups of preschool teachers; (d) compare the differences of forms of professional development between two groups of preschool teachers. This study mainly adopts an interview method. First, it purposive sampled and selected five excellent preschool teachers from “Taipei Educational Innovation and Professional Action Research (Kindergarten Group)”. Then, each of them recommended one preschool teacher who are actively involved in professional development activities. All interview recordings were converted into verbatim scripts, and the MAXQDA qualitative analysis software was used to encode the interview data.
The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: I. Based on the research on these ten preschool teachers, most of their professional development are at the “self-enrichment” stage, and nine of them are at the“frustrating” stage. The influencing factors are dominated by the“human factor”.
II. Both groups of preschool teachers are engaged in three boundaries of Job Crafting. In spite of this, preschool teachers of action research are more engaged in Job Crafting, like more concern about the need to increase or decrease the responsibilities of informal jobs; expand and diversify the interpersonal relationship; more perceive and adapt their thoughts on work and help more people.
III. Both groups of preschool teachers have an impact on their professional development. Although all have an impact, it found that it has been more impact on the part of interaction with people of preschool teachers who are actively involved in professional development activities; and more impact on the part of the inner growth and the construction of knowledge of preschool teachers who are involved in action research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育研究所 105157018 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105157018 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.ECE.001.2018.F02 |
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