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    Title: 探索中巴關係 : 發展驅動合作?
    Exploring Sino-Brazilian Relations: development driven cooperation?
    Authors: 林民泰
    Gugel, Arthur Lin
    Contributors: 袁易
    Yuan, I
    Gugel, Arthur Lin
    Keywords: 巴西
    Bilateral relations
    International cooperation
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-20 18:42:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國日益增長的國際影響力在世界各地引起了極大的關注。透過對中國與巴西雙邊關係的分析,我們可以洞察中國雙邊關係的一個案例,從發展驅動的嘗試開始,協調並發展為全球戰略夥伴關係,並成為巴西在商業流程方面的最大貿易夥伴。
    本研究試圖透過多重領域分析來探討中巴關係,包括經濟、國家利益、身份認同,外交政策,國際法和發展等主題。 實證分析基於兩國關係的分水嶺:首先為巴西歷史上,以建立身份認同為重心的時期;第二個時期為1974年中華人民共和國的國際認可,早期關係與「中巴地球資源衛星計畫」(CBERS);第三個時期為提升到策略夥伴關係、新的參與者、「中國、巴西高層協調與合作委員會」 (COSBAN) 以及聯合行動計畫;第四個時期為貿易流量、可能的緊張局勢和金磚國家開發銀行。
    China’s increasing international presence has sparked much attention in all parts of the world. The analysis of its relations with Brazil offers insight into one of the cases of China’s bilateral relations, beginning as a development-driven attempt for coordination and evolving to a strategic global partnership and Brazil’s biggest trading partner in amount of commercial flows.
    This study attempts to make sense of Sino-Brazilian relations by employing a multi-disciplinary analysis of the various factors in order to explore the subject involving economy, national interest, identity, foreign policy, international law and development. The empirical analysis is based on watershed moments in bilateral relations: first, the history of Brazil’s foreign policy with a focus on identity building, second, the recognition of the People’s Republic in 1974, early days of relations and the CBERS, third, the elevation of relations to a strategic partnership, new actors, the COSBAN and the joint action plans, fourth, trade flows, potential sources of tension and the BRICS’ NDB.
    The conclusion finds that Sino-Brazilian relations have diversified over time and the economic aspect indicates a shift away from the development-driven origins. The analysis of official documents and treaties reveals an increasing trend in the attempt to generate shared norms under international law, but under a political perspective results are inconclusive due to the lack of more details in meetings and elaboration of foreign policy. Two avenues are presented as relevant further studies: the Chinese perspective of international law in other cases of bilateral relations and the growing importance of sustainable development in China’s foreign policy.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105862007
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMPIS.012.2018.A06
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