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Title: | 企業外派人員所需職能分析與訓練規劃-以C保險公司外派越南業務主管為例 A study on competency analysis and training plan for expatriate personnel: A case on expatriate sales manager to Vietnam of an insurance company |
Authors: | 古文銘 Ku, Wen-Ming |
Contributors: | 成之約 古文銘 Ku, Wen-Ming |
Keywords: | 外派 職能 業務主管 越南 Expatriate Competency Sales manager Vietnam |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-19 17:29:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全球化的趨勢下,臺灣企業為了能在國際市場中取得競爭優勢,紛紛在海外成立據點,造成海外派遣人員的需求大量增加。目前學術上對於企業外派人員的研究多為製造業,且外派人員數量較少,集中於高階主管職位。本研究以外派業務主管為研究對象,產業為保險業,與地主國員工及民眾互動密切,且外派人數較多。研究目的是希望能經由外派保險業務主管職能模型的建構,藉以協助企業客觀有效地找出適任的外派主管,並藉由職能分析找出外派業務主管訓練需求,進行訓練規劃。本研究採取深度訪談法,挑選五位外派業務主管,一位外派人資主管及一位訓練主管進行訪談。經過彙整逐字稿及分析後,研究發現外派保險業務主管所需職能涵蓋共通核心職能、專業職能、管理職能及跨文化職能,訓練課程規劃必須依據外派業務主管所需職能,且訓練執行方式必須依照訓練目標與內容來規劃。最後討論本研究之限制、未來研究建議,並對於有意外派越南的企業提供諸多實務上的建議。 With the growing global competition and internationalization of world market, Taiwanese companies establish subsidiaries overseas in order to gain a competitive advantage in the international market. It results a large increase in the demand for overseas expatriates. Differing from past study on expatriates merely in the manufacturing industry, which is small number and in high-level executive positions, this study focuses on insurance sales manager who has close interaction with the people in host country, and on the company which has high volume of expatriates. The purpose of this study is to help the enterprise to explore the proper expatriate managers by constructing the competency model of the insurance expatriate sales managers, and to develop the training plan for expatriate sales managers. This study adopts an in-depth interview method and selects five expatriate sales managers and one expatriate human resource manager and one training manager to conduct the interviews. After summarizing and analyzing the interview content, the study finds expatriate sales managers require common core competency, professional competency, managerial competency, and cross-cultural competency. The training courses for expatriate sales managers are designed according to the required competencies. The practice of each course is referred to training objectives and content. Finally, the study discusses its research limitations, and proposes suggestions for practical practice and future research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 105921063 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105921063 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MEPA.010.2018.F09 |
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