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Title: | 網紅代言效果之探討 : 以產品與代言人一致性為調節變數 A Study of the Effect of Internet Celebrity Endorsement: Using Perceived Celebrity-product Congruence as a Moderator |
Authors: | 陳忠斌 Chen, Chung-Pin |
Contributors: | 白佩玉 Pai, Pei-Yu 陳忠斌 Chen, Chung-Pin |
Keywords: | 網紅 品牌態度 購買意願 代言人與產品一致性 病毒行銷 Internet celebrity;attitude toward the brand;endorser-product congruence;purchase intention;viral marketing;YouTube |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-18 11:18:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 現今,4G網路以及手機的發展讓素人也能和名人一樣被大眾看見,當任何
高低; 本研究針對三種不同商品進行檢測後發現,網紅與業配產品代一致性高
內容上之參考。 Nowadays, the development of 4G and smart phones has put an ordinary person on the same footing with celebrities and traditional media. Everyone can easily produce his/her own video content and upload it to the internet, and therefore many people who start creating contents and upload to social media become an instant celebrity. Since some internet celebrities have already had hundreds of thousands followers on social media, it is apparent that they have no problem getting people’s attention. As a result, more and more companies noticing the trend are paying those internet celebrities for advertising products in their user-generated content on his/her YouTube channel. Social media advertising has significantly gained in popularity due to the fact that an online celebrity who advertises a wide variety of products achieves a huge success in promoting products. Previous studies in celebrity endorsement, however, contradict the phenomenon, suggesting that it is more likely to increase people’s purchase intention if the image of the endorser is congruent with the endorsed product in advertising. Therefore, this study focuses on viral marketing, video content, online celebrity-product congruence, and consumer purchase intention so as to understand the mechanisms behind this phenomenon and to provide avenues for further research.
The study investigates how the likability and trustworthiness of the internet celebrity influence the consumers’ attitude toward the brand. In addition, a set of content characteristics is applied to consumer-generated content to explore whether the emotional content, believed to cause social transmission, affect consumers’ purchase intention. The study also wants to find out if celebrity-product congruence has the moderation effect on the relationship between the attitude toward the brand and consumers’ purchase intention.
The results of the study suggest that likability and trustworthiness of the internet celebrity positively affect one’s attitude toward the brand while celebrity-product congruence shows no moderation effect on the relationship between consumer’s attitude toward the brand and consumers’ purchase intention. The findings on what makes user-generated content viral are also consistent with the previous findings on viral marketing. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 105363026 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363026 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.038.2018.F08 |
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