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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/118703

    Title: 美國、歐盟及我國營業秘密侵害之比較研究—以民事救濟為中心
    Comparative research on the regime of the United States, European Union and Taiwan —— Focusing on Remedies in Trade Secret Civil Litigation
    Authors: 林君宜
    Lin, Chun-Yi
    Contributors: 沈宗倫
    Shen, Chung-Lun
    Lin, Chun-Yi
    Keywords: 營業秘密侵害
    Trade secret infringement
    Civil remedies
    Directive (EU) 2016/943
    Defend trade secrets act
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-17 11:27:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現今世界處在知識經濟浪潮下,其中營業秘密亦佔有重要地位,且因營業秘密之特性,營業秘密一遭侵害即有失去競爭優勢之可能,使營業秘密之保護及救濟更顯重要。再者,企業進行跨國商業活動已為常態,與國際間企業之競爭亦無可避免,各國對於營業秘密之保護強度日漸增強,我國亦應跟上國際間對營業秘密之保護強度,以保護國人之營業秘密。而美國和歐盟於2016年相繼推出關於營業秘密之法案,亦可看出營業秘密於國際間之重要性,其中又以當營業秘密受侵害時所能給予之民事救濟為本文關心之重點,故試以美國之聯邦保護營業秘密法及歐盟之營業秘密保護指令作為研究對象,並觀察二者間與我國之差異。
    Trade secrets play an important role in the boosting knowledge-based economy. Due to the nature of trade secrets, an infringement of trade secrets can result in the immediate loss of advantage, making the protection and remedies of trade secrets even more important. Furthermore, it is common for companies to do trans-national business activities, and competition among international companies is inevitable. The countries have been increasing the protection of trade secrets day by day. In order to protect the trade secrets of our people, Taiwan needs to keep up with the international trends of trade secrets protection. The United States and the European Union have subsequently introduced the acts on trade secrets in 2016, which showed the importance of trade secrets in the globe. This essay will focus on the civil remedies of trade secrets infringement in the aforementioned two acts. Specifically, this essay will look into the United State’s Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (the “DTSA”) and the European Union`s Directive (EU) 2016/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure (the “Directive”) and observe the differences among them and Taiwan.
    This essay first introduces the Directive. The Directive serves as the unified and minimum standard for the legislation of Member States on the protection of trade secrets. It reiterates the importance of trade secrets to the European Union. The Directive refers to the U.S. Uniform Trade Secrets Act (the “UTSA”), so the content of the Directive is similar to that of the U.S. trade secret laws and regulations. However, some of the provisions in the Directive are originated from the existing legislation of the Member States. As there are more and more cross-national companies nowadays, the protection of trade secrets being harmonized across the countries can benefit the overall trade secrets protection and R&D innovation. The rest of the world, including Taiwan, can also refer to the Directive for re-examination of its legislation regarding trade secrets.
    The DTSA was introduced due to the inconsistency of trade secrets protection among the states caused by the UTSA. The DTSA was aimed at providing a more comprehensive trade secrets legislation at the level of federal scheme, making relevant laws more predictable to those with legitimate interests in trade secrets. In order to ensure the trade secrets protection of U.S. companies engaging cross-national business activities, DTSA provides extraterritoriality reach for misappropriation of U.S. companies’ trade secrets. The legal regime of the United States has played an important role in Taiwan’s legal regime. Several concepts in the DTSA, including but not limited to the inevitable disclosure doctrine, ex parte seizure, and immunity to whistleblowers liabilities, can help to improve the legislation of trade secrets in Taiwan. Similar to the purpose of the Directive, the legislators created the DTSA to unify the difference of trade secrets legislation among the states. We can further observe the differences and similarities between the Directive and the DTSA.
    Lastly, by observing and analyzing Taiwan’s protection of trade secrets, with focus on civil remedies, this essay will review the predicament of Taiwan’s current legislation in terms of trade secrets protection, and attempt to provide suggestions on the amendment to trade secret law in Taiwan through the observation on the DTSA and the Directive.
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    3. Japan Strengthens Deterrence Measures Against Trade Secret Infringement (2016), available at http://www.jonesday.com/japan-strengthens-deterrence-measures-against-trade-secret-infringement-02-10-2016/
    4. Kenneth S. Canfield and Douglas L. Clark, New Federal Trade Secret Act Expands Trade Secret Rights (2016), available at: http://www.jonesday.com/new-federal-trade-secret-act-expands-trade-secret-rights-05-13-2016/
    5. Letter from Professor Brook K. Baker et al. to the Sponsors of the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2014 (S. 2267) and the Trade Secrets Protection Act of 2014 (H.R. 5233), available at: http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/files/blogs/FINAL%20Professors`%C20Letter%C20Opposing%C20Trade%C20Secret%20Legislation.pdf.
    6. Letter from Professor Eric Goldman et al. to Senator Charles E. Grassley et al. in Opposition to the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2015 (S. 1890, H.R. 3326), available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2699760.
    7. Richard Gauthier, The inevitable disclosure doctrine and the DTSA (2017), available at: http://www.fordhamiplj.org/2017/11/27/inevitable-disclosure-doctrine-dtsa/
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104652020
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LAWID.001.2018.F10
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