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    Title: 我國醫學圖書館文獻代檢索服務之研究
    Study on literature searching service for medical libraries in Taiwan
    Authors: 葉盈伶
    Yeh, Yin-Ling
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling
    Yeh, Yin-Ling
    Keywords: 醫學圖書館
    Medical library
    Literature searching service
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-17 11:26:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路時代下,快速增長的資訊量對於民眾與圖書館都產生了許多影響,圖書館之資訊服務亦越來越受重視。早期醫學圖書館因資料庫費用昂貴、資料庫介面使用困難、檢索成本高等因素提供文獻代檢索服務,讀者使用率高,但在個人電腦廣為大眾使用以及檢索系統介面簡單化後,減低了代檢索服務的利用,且在圖書館人力以及經費預算的限制下,文獻代檢索服務已發生轉變。故本研究之研究目的為:(1)探討我國醫學圖書館文獻代檢索服務之意涵、現況、特徵與價值;(2)探討使用者之資訊需求與文獻代檢索服務使用經驗;(3)探討使用者之文獻代檢索服務期望與使用滿意度。


    In this era of the Internet, information technology is a rapidly growing field that is simultaneously changing our society. On the other hand, libraries play an important role in our educational and research process. The combination of the two, a digital library, can provide access to information to many networks around the world, which is a necessary component of any researchers’ experience.

    In the early days, due to the high cost of information retrieval and the not so user-friendly database interfaces, patrons relied on literature searching services. But in the last few decades, the personal computer has evolved and the interface for other informational retrieval systems has been greatly simplified, reducing the usage of literature searching services. Because of the constraints to libraries’ manpower and budget, literature searching services has changed. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to: (1) explore the meaning, current status, characteristics and value of the literature searching service for medical libraries in Taiwan; (2) examine the informational needs of users; (3) review users’ experiences with literature searching services and analyze their expectations and satisfaction.

    This study first utilizes website content and a telephone census to explore literature searching services, polling 35 representative medical libraries in Taiwan. This study also conducts in-depth interviews and questionnaire surveys from five medical library supervisors, related librarians and users. The study obtains the following conclusions:

    (1) Currently, there are 15 medical libraries in Taiwan providing literature searching services; (2) there are four types of literature searching services, and most medical libraries provide subject searching of four types; (3) most medical libraries’ literature searching services are free, and there is even one medical library proposing to include librarians as co-authors to replace the fees; (4) at this time, medical libraries provide literature searching services mainly to meet the needs of readers, including saving patrons` time and providing decision-making resources and credible sources for institutions; (5) the main users of the literature searching services are physicians and nurses. Library directors think that the service is effective as well as librarians; (6) literature searching services have 2 internal values and 5 external values; (7) providing literature searching services has a positive impact on the roles of libraries; (8) different types of medical libraries provide different perceptions in how they present literature searching services; (9) the primary use of literature searching services by health professionals interviewed have mainly been in clinical / medical treatment, teaching and research; (10) the motivation of using literature searching services by users have been hard to access within databases, and they used for teaching and researching; (11) the demand, cost, preference over self-searching, long processing times, and the difficulty of reaching a librarian are all factors that affect the users’ experiences with literature searching services; (12) when using literature searching services, the respondents polled care most regarding the processing time of their search results; (13) the respondents also believe that literature searching services could help them; (14) respondents have high expectations and high satisfaction rates with their literature searching service experiences; (15) even though respondents have high satisfaction, their usage rates are low. This study speculates that the reason behind this is that the databases provided by the library are sufficient and patrons prefer to search for themselves.

    According to the above conclusions, this study proposes the following suggestions: (1) different types of medical libraries should consider its role and positioning first, then try to understand the needs of patrons, before deciding on the type of literature searching service it should provide; (2) health professionals emphasize on Evidence-Based Medicine, therefore medical libraries should be able to provide relevant services; (3) medical librarians should consistently be conducting information retrieval interviews with users before searching, in order to grasp the needs of users; (4) medical libraries can provide diverse knowledge value-added services.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1051550081
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LIAS.004.2018.A01
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