題名: | 策略領導、競爭行為與廠商績效的關聯 Strategic Leadership, Competitive Behavior and Firm Performance |
作者: | 連婉茜 Lien, Wan-Chien |
貢獻者: | 陳明哲 Chen, Ming-Jer 連婉茜 Lien, Wan-Chien |
關鍵詞: | 動態競爭 高層理論 策略領導 競爭與合作 利害關係人 Competitive dynamics Upper echelons Strategic leadership Competition and cooperation Stakeholder |
日期: | 2018 |
上傳時間: | 2018-07-12 14:03:15 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 隨著動態競爭理論與高層理論三十多年的蓬勃發展,正好為我們提供一個契機,探討如何將這兩個策略管理領域中相當重要的理論觀點進行整合,以及論述整合時所面對的挑戰。動態競爭理論與高層理論的關鍵交點是「人或者(決策者)」,然而,在動態競爭的文獻中,「人或者(決策者)」的角色卻被明顯的淡化或者忽略。因此,本文回到一個根本的研究問題,「人或者(決策者)」的因素為什麼在競爭策略中相當重要? 在這個研究問題的基礎上,本文針對兩個理論進行詳盡的文獻探討,分別歸納出兩個理論的關鍵理論缺口,包括:人或者(決策者)特質在廠商競爭對抗時時長期被忽略;缺乏一個能夠反應焦點廠商整體競爭輪廓的特質;高階經營團隊對於組織績效的影響不一致,缺乏一個關鍵的中介因子;未將利害關係人的角色納入競爭的考慮範疇等。為了填補這些理論缺口,本文提出一個整合性的理論架構,探討人(CEO/TMT)的特質如何影響競爭策略選擇及組織績效,此外,利害關係人做為情境因素如何干擾決策者的競爭策略。再者,本文提供兩個實證研究,分別說明該整合性理論架構中所提出人(CEO與高階經營團隊成員)的特質如何影響競爭策略選擇以及組織績效。在第一個的實證研究中,本文提出高階經營團隊的策略凝聚力有助於廠商採取主動性的競爭行動與回應,進而影響組織績效。其中,廠商採取主動性的競爭行動與回應為一個中介角色,影響團隊的策略凝聚力與組織績效。然而,當焦點廠商察覺到與競爭對手的合作程度則會干擾該中介效果。在第二個的實證研究中,本文提出CEO的父權領導方式會增強其競爭的膽識,進而影響組織績效。其中,廠商的競爭膽識為一個中介角色,影響CEO的父權領導方式與組織績效。尤其,當焦點廠商察覺到自己與關鍵利害關係人(合作夥伴、上下游廠商、顧客)建立較長期的合作關係時,更會加強該中介效果。本文的核心是企圖將「人」帶回競爭研究中,並且分別對於兩個理論觀點提出的理論貢獻,以及未來研究方向。 Competitive dynamics and upper echelons perspectives have been prosperous for over thirty years, which presents an auspicious opportunity for us to receive the impact and challenges to bridge and integrate these two perspectives. Given the critical roles of human in the decision-making process of competition, this dissertation addresses a fundamental research question of why human factors (CEO/TMT) matter in the context of interfirm competition. Along this line, this dissertation establishes an integrated framework to unfold the “black box” of how human factors influence interfirm rivalry. By comprehensively reviewing the extant literatures, this dissertation first illustrates the relative lack of how human /decision–maker factors shape a firm’s engagements with its rivals, as well as the scarce considerations of contextual forces from stakeholders. It then demonstrates two empirical essays to examine how CEO / TMT characteristics influence strategic choices related to competition and thus determine firm performance. More specifically, in the first essay, it illustrates how TMT’s strategic cohesion which encompasses cognitive, social, and behavioral integrations among its members influence competitive proactivity and firm performance. The competitive proactivity is a key mediator that can convert TMT strategic cohesion into advantageous performance outcomes, while the mediating effect is weakened when there is high level of rival cooperation. In the second essay, it examines how the paternalistic leadership of a firm’s CEO influences the competitive boldness and firm performance. Competitive boldness is a key mediator that can convert CEO’s paternalistic leadership into advantageous performance outcomes, while the mediating effect is enhanced when there is high level of stakeholders cooperation. This dissertation contributes to the competitive dynamics and upper echelons by bringing human factors back to competition research, advancing our understanding of the influence of executive attributes, namely the multifaceted TMT strategic cohesion and CEO paternalistic leadership, and proposing encompassing constructs of competitive attribute in the sophisticated dynamics of inter-rival and inter-stakeholder relationships in competitive contexts. |
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描述: | 博士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 99359502 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0993595022 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.TIIPM.002.2018.F08 |
顯示於類別: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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