題名: | 台商於兩岸三地遴選上市地之探討 The Key Effect For Taiwanese Entrepreneurs Selecting A Listing Market Among Taiwan, Mainland China And Hong Kong |
作者: | 林俊宗 LIN, Chun-Tsung |
貢獻者: | 黃國峯 林俊宗 LIN, Chun-Tsung |
關鍵詞: | 台商上市 兩岸三地 上市條件 上市程序 掛牌動機 掛牌地點 |
日期: | 2018 |
上傳時間: | 2018-07-12 13:46:25 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 台灣四面環海,但憑藉著台商與他國之間的貿易與投資往來,台灣2016年出口金額為280億美元以上,是世界第十八大出口國,仍在世界經濟貿易活動占有一席重要地位。同時,自台灣證券交易所於民國50年成立至今,台灣資本市場做為台商在外打拼時最堅強的後盾實在功不可沒。
最後,本研究藉由問卷的方式,了解有意上市的公司其公司規模、上市掛牌的動機、上市掛牌地點的選擇以及影響上市掛牌地點考量因素等等。並就歸納出的資訊對中介機構進行訪談,就訪談的結果歸納出對政府以及有意上市公司的建言。 Surrounded by the sea, but with the world trade and investment made by Taiwanese businessmen and other countries, Taiwan’s exports in 2016 amounted for more than US$28 billion. It is the world’s eighteenth largest export country and still has an important position in world economic and trade activities. Since the establishment of the Taiwan Stock Exchange in the 1961, th capital market in Taiwan has been the most powerful support for Taiwanese businessmen in the world.
This study first discusses the past research and secondary reports, to understand the reasons why these oversea Taiwanese businessmen return to Taiwan for initial public offering (IPO) and the factors that affect the choice of IPO places; moreover, this study tried to understand the types of Taiwanese businessmen, analyzed the status of overseas investment, and the listing statud in Taiwan, Mainland China and Hong Kong in order to figure out what the Taiwanese companies’ internationalization.
This study will focus on Taiwan, Mainland China and Hong Kong markets, including market size and market performance, listing requirements, listing procedures, and listing costs. By collating these information, this study will sum up the characteristics of each market, including its strengths and weaknesses, and the preference for suitable types of listed companies.
Furthermore, the analysis of the past Taiwanese listing model and the opportunities and challenges of the new listing model can bring to Taiwanese companies in order to bring new information to interested Taiwanese companies to provide the listing selection processes.
Finally, through the questionnaire, this study understands the companies’ size, the motivations for listing, the selection of listing locations, and the factors that affect the selection of the replyers. This study also conducted interviews with intermediary agencies on the information we had summarized, and tries to offer some suggestions for the government and those companies which are interested in IPO.
Keywords: Taiwanese listing, cross-straits, listing requirements, listing procedures, listing motives, listing locations |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 105932422 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105932422 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EMBA.025.2018.F08 |
顯示於類別: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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