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Title: | 台灣、新加坡與中國大陸行動支付發展策略的比較分析 The analysis of mobile payment’s strategies among Taiwan, Singapore and Mainland China |
Authors: | 黃建維 Huang, Chien-Wei |
Contributors: | 邱志聖 黃建維 Huang, Chien-Wei |
Keywords: | 行動支付 策略行銷分析 4C 跨越鴻溝 支付寶 PayNow Line Pay 街口支付 Mobile payment Strategic marketing analysis 4C Crossing the chasm Alipay PayNow Line Pay JKO Pay |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-12 13:31:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來各國都非常重視行動支付的發展,紛紛設下成為無現金社會的目標,台灣也不例外,但是台灣人的使用率卻持續的低迷,所以急需一個好的分析和建議。現有的分析和成功案例的介紹多著重在中國大陸的支付寶和美國的PayPal等,但台灣的先天條件和中國大陸及美國相距甚遠,所以本研究除了分析中國大陸行動支付業者的成功模式,還會關注和台灣條件較相近的新加坡。 本研究結合策略行銷4C理論和跨越鴻溝理論分析支付寶於中國大陸的成功模式,同時檢視其成功模式對於台灣的適用性;並利用策略行銷4C分析及跨越鴻溝理論比較分析新加坡的PayNow和台灣的Line Pay及街口支付的發展歷程及未來策略,藉此釐清台灣發展的真正困境並提出建議。 從支付寶的成功模式可以發現支付寶非常完美的執行了策略行銷4C和跨越鴻溝的策略,但由於台灣並不存在和支付寶相同的成功條件,台灣無法直接複製支付寶的策略。從新加坡PayNow的個案分析可以發現政府正確的幫助可以加速業者提供更符合民眾需要的「完整產品」,並加速「策略行銷4C的良性循環」。於Line Pay及街口支付的個案分析可以發現:Line Pay和街口支付在進入行動支付市場時都直接訴諸大眾市場,造成其推出的產品雖然包含的功能非常多,但都不是任何利基市場族群所認為的完整產品。 本研究顯示新加坡政府的作法可以做為台灣很好的參考。本研究亦認為Line Pay及街口支付均應重新區隔市場,並選擇更好的利基市場來跨越鴻溝。 Recent years, many government authorities have proposed their vision to lead their countries become cashless societies, so the development of mobile payment is very important. However, the usage rate of mobile payment in Taiwan remains very low. Most of the analysis focus on successful mobile payment companies like Alipay and Paypal without considering the differences between Taiwan, China and America. Therefore, the study analyzes not only Alipay but also mobile payment in Singapore. The study integrates theories of “4C strategic marketing” and “crossing the chasm” to analyze Alipay and discuss its feasibility in Taiwan. The study also uses those theories to analyze PayNow in Singapore and Line Pay and JKO Pay in Taiwan to discover Taiwan’s real problems and provide suggestions. The study shows that Alipay successfully executed 4C and crossing-the-chasm theories. However, Taiwan cannot follow the same strategy as Alipay because of facing different circumstances. The analysis of PayNow suggests that with government’s effective help, companies can provide “whole product” and create “virtuous cycle within 4C ” easier. The study also reveals that Line pay and JKO Pay’s real problem is their mass marketing strategy. Although Line Pay and JKO Pay provide many different services and applications, few of the consumers consider their product as a “whole product.” The study presents that Singapore’s successful strategy in PayNow can be a great paradigm to Taiwan. The study also suggests that Line Pay and JKO Pay redefine their target customer and provide “whole product” to cross the chasm. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 105351032 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105351032 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.016.2018.F06 |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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