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    题名: 一個研究社群媒體政治活動之計算方法
    A computational approach to the study of political activities on social media
    作者: 邱淑怡
    Chiu, Shu-i
    贡献者: 徐國偉
    Hsu, Kuo-Wei
    Chiu, Shu-i
    关键词: 訊息傳播
    Information diffusion
    Social media
    Skyline query
    Clustering and classification
    Text mining
    Sentiment analysis
    Sunflower student movement
    日期: 2018
    上传时间: 2018-07-11 15:27:14 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 資訊與通訊科技帶來社會的變革與人們的便利,已經改變人們的生活模式。Facebook(臉書)、Google、YouTube等社群媒體興起,環繞著人們的日常作息。社群媒體帶來的不僅只是傳播本質的變化,它從政治,經濟,社會系統結構等,全面滲透人們的生活當中,儼然已經成為人們生活的一部分。社群媒體提供使用者方便上傳資訊、分享圖片和影片等訊息的共享平台,每個人都可以成為資訊的創造者或分享者,可以恣意地在社群媒體發表言論及心情,它創造一個訊息傳播的平台。在眾多社群媒體中,臉書的全球使用者超過20億,是擁有最多使用者的社群網站,因此,我們選定臉書做為研究的社群媒體。
    In recent years, due to the rise of social media websites on Internet and the popularity of mobile devices capable of Internet access, people can quickly publish their statuses and messages to social media anytime at any place. Internet has changed our lives; we use Internet in almost everything we do. As of 2017, Facebook had 2 billion monthly active users. It is the most popular social networking platform in the world. Therefore, we choose Facebook as our research platform.
    This dissertation focuses on the analysis of political activities entirely. We use posts of fan pages to analyze political activities and then construct the interaction features and sentiment features of posts on Facebook. We use characteristics of features to analyze political activities. The sunflower student movement focuses on the interaction features. We use methods to search popular posts and to analyze information diffusion. Then, we mine important Facebook users. We get popular posts and find that three users are active and important users through sharing-reaction during the sunflower student movement. However, the sunflower movement cannot investigate the sentiment features because all fan pages fight against the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA). For the sentiment features, we study prediction of political tendency of posts. We also collect posts from political groups of fan pages in America; we build sentiment features for the prediction and evaluate prediction performance.
    To summarize, in this dissertation, we propose novel methods to analyze social media datasets that contain valuable information but do not contain any network structure required by other methods.
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    描述: 博士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097753506
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.CS.002.2018.B02
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