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    Title: 個人潔面保養品牌之品牌定位研究
    Authors: 郭麗彤
    Kuo, Li-Tung
    Contributors: 陳建維
    Chen, Chien-Wei
    Kuo, Li-Tung
    Keywords: 多元尺度分析
    Multidimensional scaling
    Brand positioning
    Facial skin care brand
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-10 16:15:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究針對台灣市場中五個潔面保養品牌,採用多元尺度法繪製品牌知覺圖,探討消費者所重視之產品屬性,探討消費者對市場上既存品牌的定位差異,以及市場之競合情況。並且以此作為基礎,針對該品類探討其市場區隔及策略方向建議。五個研究客體包含Curel 珂潤、Avene 雅漾、Simple清妍、Senka 專科、Neutrogena 露得清,以線上問卷調查方式,於民國一零七年四月至五月間,透過Facebook、PTT,以及Dcard的保養、美妝版及相關社團等網路論壇發放問卷,以廣泛接觸清潔、保養、美妝等該品類中類型產品的觀眾做為調查對象,回收有效問卷473份。將回收資料投入計量與非計量多元尺度分析方法,能夠分別得到加權評分表、屬性根據的品牌知覺定位圖,以及相似性的品牌知覺定位圖。進一步使用屬性根據的品牌知覺定位圖進行知覺定位分析,包含標竿分析、理想點分析、競爭態勢分析、關鍵因素分析、準則相關分析、策略分析等六個分析方式。以上六個分析方式的目的在於,以消費者角度出發,探討目前潔面保養品類之各品牌定位現況、互相競合的情況,以及消費者心目中的理想品牌位置。最後比較計量與非計量多元尺度法多建構出的品牌知覺定位圖在品牌定位上的解讀相異與相似之處,進而為各個品牌擬定策略方向。
    As main objective, this study conduct the perceptual mapping on 5 facial skin care brand in Taiwan market. Based on the perceptual map, the discussion would focus on understanding the over-all competition in the market, and respective positioning of each brand in order to propose strategic recommendation to marketers and relevant personnel.
    Research objects including Curel, Avene, Simple, Senka and Neutrogena, which are all facial skin care brand in current market. The survey collected 473 effective questionnaires based on convenient sampling of consumers who know facial cleaning, caring and makeup product, collected questionnaires from beauty, cosmetic community in social network media including Facebook, PTT and Dcard in time period of 2018 April to May. To generating an attribute-based perceptual map, applied the weighted score to Metric Multidimensional Scaling analysis. Based on the attribute-based perceptual map, it was able to carry out the positioning analysis, which includes six analytical models that are: benchmarking analysis, ideal point analysis, competitive situation analysis, key factor evaluation, criterion correlation analysis, and strategy analysis. With analyses mentioned above, this study aim to understand more about the perception of consumers and subsequently propose strategic directions for each individual brands, using the perceptual map as an auxiliary analysis tool. Moreover, with performing the Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling on the similarity data of the five brands, could derive the similarity perceptual map. Comparing the two perceptual maps, it is possible to know the differences of the performance of each brand, which could also be a reference for the strategic recommendations for brands.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1053510111
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.007.2018.F06
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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