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    Title: 行動社群網路之內容分享技術
    Content sharing in mobile social networks
    Authors: 奧菲利
    Awuor, Fredrick MZee
    Contributors: 王志宇

    Wang, Chih-Yu
    Tsai, Tzu-Chieh

    Fredrick MZee Awuor
    Keywords: 內容分享
    Content prcicing
    Content trustworthiness
    Congestion control
    Concurrent access
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-10 16:00:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 作为智能型移动设备和电话变得更加普遍存在和普遍存在各种各样的传感器和通信技术,我们可以开发的移动社交网络(MSN)应用程序,启用这些设备将自动创造的虚拟社区中的内容可以是共有的含蓄的。 这种方式,MSN使用户有类似兴趣的发现并与每一其他使用智能手机和分享内容和联系,在一个即兴的方式,因为他们移动。 例如,你的智能手机可以帮助你有效地收到与其他MSN用户通知你关于他们的利益和有价值的内容,他们可以与你分享的。 MSN能够随时随地homophilic社会互动,特点是投机性的、自发的,而短暂的。 然而,需要有一种激励用户之间的合作和激励内容共享,并且一个机制,以评估的可信赖性的内容,正在分享在MSN网络。 此外,一个内容提供者的高度排序的内容,例如在展览会或会议,很可能会收到多个同时请求其他用户和因此可能需要一个机制来控制的碰撞和支持多的访问。 为此目的,该论文提出了一个框架,内容共享MSN对解决这些挑战。

    第一,这篇论文来解决问题的激励内容共享MSN。 多媒体使用户能够发现和分享内容,尤其是在短暂的活动,如展览和会议。 尽管如此,鼓励用户的积极分享它们的内容在多媒体可能缺乏,如果相应的成本是高的。 因此,在增加内容共享率,这篇论文提出的内容的定价和分享框架,该框架是建立在用户的集体投标和内容的成本共享,促使用户分享他们的内容与他们的共同定位的遭遇使用一个单一的拍卖。 内容共享问题,制定作为一个分布式系统实现合作的结果,同时保持不合作的决定,使用户之间的通过拟议的集体投标和广播的性质无线通信。 就是说,共同事单独提出支付给他们的遭遇,其内容感兴趣他们是根据他们的感知价值的内容。 相关的内容拥有者分享他们的内容,如果拟议的付款可以集体补偿成本的共享它们的内容与这些同龄人。 我们表明,这保证了个人的合理性,并促进内容之间分享的机会遇到在网络。 绩效评估显示,拟议的机制减少了时间和成本以收集的内容感兴趣的网络中的80%和40%,并提高了网络的利用率为50%。

    接下来,这个论文的地址问题的内容可信性在MSN。 用户在MSN大都是陌生人谁愿意去发现的同行具有类似兴趣在他们的遭遇并分享的内容和接触,在一个即兴的方式,因为他们移动。 然而,这是在风险MSN用户,因为他们可能不会有知识的用户,他们是社会上的连接。 因此,在使临时社交网络在MSN,有必要建立一个机制,以评估信任的未知的用户及其内容,并减少审查攻击此类西比尔和拒绝攻击。 因此,这篇论文提出了一种分布式内容相信评价框架的基础上加密散列链内容的审查,检测和弹性以西比尔和拒绝攻击的内容的评论。 作为审查是哈希链,它们不可删除和阻要的修改,因为修改一次审查中作用的变化的审查记录的散列值和散列值的所有随后的审查记录的审查。 这使得这样的审查记录无效,因为他们签署的散列值就不符合他们各自的公用钥匙。 而且,在提议的机制,用户分享他们的审查历史上与他们同在的机会遇到这些同龄人使用建立信誉的审查链共享他们的未来遭遇。 结果显示,拟议的机制有效地评估内容的可信赖性的检测和鉴别审查链的声誉受到损害,由于西比尔或拒绝攻击。

    最后,该问题的同时访问是到处理。 当多个同时进行的内容的请求内容的主机,我们可能遇到的请求碰撞将导致访问的延误和浪费的带宽因重发。 为了解决这一问题,我们提出了一个分布式聚类和排队机制位于同的用户(例如,在一个展览)人感兴趣的内容由他们的遭遇(例如展览会的立场)自组织自己进入一个当地集群和建立一个合乎逻辑的队列。 然后,用户提出请求的内容提供商在轮流的基础上他们的位置在队列中。 作为一个群集的成员被选为领袖和分配的责任的建筑队列中,我们获得的用户的投票权的策略和分析的系统理论性能。 由于这个问题也是经验丰富的中随机访问通道(迪),我们使用RACH作为一个例子,评价建议的机制在这样一个系统。 模拟结果显示,拟议的机制,减少碰撞的概率和访问的延迟的65%和19%。
    As smart mobile devices and phones become more ubiquitous and pervasive with wide array of sensors and communication techniques, we can develop mobile social network (MSN) apps that enable these devices to automatically create virtual communities where contents can be shared implicitly. This way, MSN enable users with similar interests to discover and connect with each other using smart phones and to share contents and contacts in an impromptu way as they move. For instance, your smartphone could assist you have a productive encounter with other MSN users by informing you about their interests and valuable contents that they may share with you. MSN enables anytime-anywhere homophilic social interactions that are characteristically opportunistic, spontaneous, and ephemeral. However, there is need to motivate cooperation among users and incentivize content sharing, and a mechanism to evaluate trustworthiness of contents being share in the MSN network. In addition, a content provider of highly sort content, for instance at exhibition or conference, is likely to receive multiple simultaneous requests from other users and thus may need a mechanism to control collision and to support multiple access. To this end, this dissertation proposes a framework for content sharing in MSN towards addressing these challenges.

    First, this dissertation addresses the problem of motivating content sharing in MSN. MSNs enable users to discover and share contents with each other, especially at ephemeral events such as exhibitions and conferences. Nevertheless, the incentive of users to actively share their contents in MSNs may be lacking if the corresponding cost is high. Thus, in increasing content sharing rate, this dissertation proposes a content pricing and sharing framework that is built on users` collective bidding and content cost sharing that motivates users to share their contents with their co-located encounters using a single auction. The content sharing problem is formulated as a distributed system that achieves cooperative outcome while preserving non-cooperative decision making among the users through the proposed collective bidding and broadcast nature of wireless communication. That is, co-located peers individually propose payments to their encounters whose contents they are interested in based on their perceived values of the contents. The respective content owners share their contents if the proposed payments can collectively compensate the cost of sharing their contents with these peers. We show that this guarantees individual rationality and promotes content sharing among the opportunistic encounters in the network. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed mechanism reduces the time and cost to collect contents of interest in the network by 80% and 40% respectively and improves network utilization by 50%.

    Next, this dissertation addresses the problem of content trustworthiness in MSN. Users in MSN are mostly strangers who wish to discover peers with similar interests among their encounters and to share contents and contacts in an impromptu way as they move. However, this is at a risk for the MSN users since they may not have knowledge about the users they are socially connecting with. Therefore, in enabling impromptu social networking in MSN, there is need for a mechanism to evaluate trust of unknown users and their contents, and to mitigate review attacks such sybil and rejection attacks. Thus, this dissertation proposes a distributed content trust evaluation framework based on cryptographic hash-chained content review that detects and is resilient to sybil and rejection attacks on content reviews. As the reviews are hash-chained, they are undeletable and resistive to modifications since modifying a review in effect changes the review record`s hash value and the hash values of all the subsequent review records in the review-chain. This renders such review records invalid as their signed hash values would not match their respective public keys. Moreover, in the proposed mechanism, users share their review history with their peers during the opportunistic encounters which these peers use to establish the reputation of review-chains shared by their future encounters. The results show that the proposed mechanism efficiently evaluates content`s trustworthiness by detecting and discriminating review-chains whose reputation are compromised due to sybil or rejection attacks.

    Lastly, the problem of concurrent access is addressed. When multiple simultaneous content requests are made to the content host, we are likely to experience request collision that would lead to access delays and wastage of bandwidth due to retransmissions. To address this issue, we propose a distributed clustering and queuing mechanism where co-located users (for instance, at an exhibition) who are interested in contents hosted by their encounter (e.g., exhibition stand) self-organize themselves into a local cluster and build a logical queue. Users then submit their requests to the content provider in turns based on their positions in the queue. As one of the cluster members is voted as the leader and assigned the responsibility of building the queue, we derive the users voting strategy and analyze the systems theoretical performance. Since this problem is also experienced in random access channel (RACH), we use RACH as an example and evaluate the performance of the proposed mechanism in such a system. Simulation results show that the proposed mechanism reduces collision probability and access delays by 65% and 19% respectively.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103761505
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    DOI: 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.TIGP.001.2018.B02
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