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Title: | #刺青 台灣刺青文化探討研究 #刺青 An Exploratory Study of Tattoo Culture in Taiwan |
Authors: | 茉莉 Oertel, Jasmin |
Contributors: | 陳儒修 Chen, Robert 茉莉 Oertel, Jasmin |
Keywords: | 刺青 身體 台灣 社群媒體 自我身分認同 Tattoo Body Taiwan Social media Self-Identification |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-10 15:35:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以當代台灣社會為背景,探討刺青文化中身體與社會實踐間的複雜關係。本文旨在發現台灣刺青者的個人動機與文化因素,以及對刺青的實踐與觀感的改變,除此之外亦涵蓋東西方的身體意念,並簡述刺青文化的歷史背景。除了歷史與文化背景概述,同時探討身體銘痕如何建立身分認同,最後將社群媒體對於台灣刺青文化的影響納入研究討論。本研究採用深度訪談法,訪談十位台灣千禧代世代刺青者。以台灣刺青文化為背景,本研究將針對刺青動機提出發現,並為台灣文化研究提出貢獻。 This thesis examines the complex relationship between physical and social practices of tattooing in contemporary Taiwan. Covering Western and Eastern body concepts, as well as briefly tracing the history of tattooing from the early beginnings to today, I aim to discover personal motivations and cultural factors behind obtaining tattoos in Taiwan and changes in the perceptions and practices of tattooing whilst embedding it in binary context to the West. After laying out a historical narrative, I investigate how body inscription is used as a means of creating identity. Finally, I will explore the role of social media and its influence on shaping tattoo culture in Taiwan today. For this study in-depth interviews were conducted with ten tattooed Taiwanese participants from a millennial generation cohort. The findings are meant to be an exploration of motivations in Taiwanese tattoo culture and contribute to the field of Cultural and Communication Studies in Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS) 1054610151 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1054610151 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMICS.004.2018.F05 |
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