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    Title: 電子商務架站平台服務與顧客關係之研究
    The research of the relationship between the service provider of SaaS-based E-commerce store builder and its customers
    Authors: 張亦昀
    Chang, Yi-Yun
    Contributors: 陳建維
    Chang, Yi-Yun
    Keywords: 電子商務
    Online customer service
    Customer belief
    Relationship quality
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-10 15:29:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 全球電子商務市場持續成長,電子商務也結合新興技術,提供市場上多樣化電子商務解決方案,因應不同類型的企業商家需求,促進電子商務市場發展。以軟體即服務(Software-as-a-Service, SaaS)為技術基礎的電子商務架站平台,提供顧客自行建置獨立網路商店的軟體服務,顧客所使用的服務系統及其資料皆存放於雲端,並且由服務商統一維護管理,配合訂閱式收費服務,降低資金有限的網路商家跨入電子商務販售的門檻,獨立營運掌握顧客及銷售數據。
    研究結果發現,顧客對於服務商提供的線上顧客服務之「學習信念」及「有用信念」將對關係品質中的「長期導向」有顯著影響 ; 而關係品質中的「長期導向」及「社交滿意」皆對「態度忠誠」有顯著影響,「溝通」則無顯著影響 ; 而「態度忠誠」及關係品質中的「經濟滿意」皆對「行為忠誠」有顯著影響。另外,顧客的「市場導向」程度,將會對「學習信念」及「態度忠誠」間的關係形成調節效果。藉由本研究的探討提供電子商務架站平台服務商設計顧客策略時的參考,當中針對變數構面之間更多的交互探討,將於內文中逐一闡述。
    The global E-commerce market continues to expand. A variety of E-commerce solutions are applied to the latest technical trend to meet different kinds of enterprises’ and users’ needs. The E-commerce platform provides the software of creating their own online store based on SaaS (Software as a Service) model, manages the software update on a regular basis and maintains the infrastructure for users. This SaaS-based E-commerce store builder with subscription basis lowers the cost of the users.
    Little academic research has been conducted on the B2B relationship between the E-commerce platform which provides the SaaS-based E-commerce store builder and its customers. Hence, this research starts with online customer service to identify the factors which have influence on B2B relationship and customer’s loyalty. With total number of 150 valid questionnaires that are conducted through online questionnaire survey and visiting the physical store which sells online as well.
    After regression analysis, the findings are as follows:
    1.Learning belief and usefulness belief have a positive effect on long-term orientation from relationship quality.
    2.Long-term orientation and social satisfaction from relationship quality have a positive effect on attitudinal loyalty. Communication from relationship quality has no significant effect on attitudinal loyalty.
    3.Economic satisfaction from relationship quality and attitudinal loyalty have positive effect on behavioral loyalty.
    4.Market orientation of customer has significant effect on the relationship between learning belief and attitudinal loyalty as a moderator.
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    (2), 28-29。

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105351034
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.011.2018.F06
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