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    Title: 智慧型手機之置換決策及其影響因素
    Replacement decision of smartphone and influencing factors
    Authors: 蔡昕儒
    Tsai, Hsin-Ju
    Contributors: 陳建維
    Tsai, Hsin-Ju
    Keywords: 預期科技進步
    Expectation of technology
    Fear of obsolescence
    Anticipated regret
    Attraction effect
    Compromise effect
    Replacement decision
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-10 15:28:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 科技產品充斥人們的生活,也改變了人們的消費習慣,廠商透過產品技術的創新、亮眼的外型加速了消費者的置換行為,使得消費者往往不會待到產品完全損壞後才進行更換,而在高科技產品中又以智慧型手機與人們的生活最形影不離,因此本研究希望藉由探討消費者對智慧型手機的置換決策,來了解其中的影響因素,並進行相關分析。
    本研究先探討消費者預期科技進步的程度對產品過時恐懼的影響,進而以消費者滿意度做為控制變數,探討消費者在不同的產品過時恐懼、預期悔恨下,對智慧型手機置換決策(產品升級意願、同品牌再購買意願、品牌轉換意願)的影響,此外,為了分析Apple於去年相繼推出iPhone 8和iPhone X的操作策略,本研究將以iPhone使用者的角度切入,最後在探討消費者升級決策的同時,將吸引力效果與妥協效果納入其中作為討論。希望透過研究消費者對智慧型手機的置換行為,分析Apple的商業決策,並做出商業回饋。

    1. 消費者預期科技進步越強,則科技性、經濟性和心理性過時恐懼皆越強
    2. 消費者科技性過時恐懼越強,則產品升級意願越高
    3. 消費者心理性過時恐懼越強,則產品升級意願、品牌再購買意願和品牌轉換意願越高
    4. 消費者預期悔恨越高,則同品牌再購買意願越低
    5. 產品吸引力效果越強,則消費者升級意願越高
    Nowadays, technology products have fulfilled human’s life, and brought a big change on consumer behavior. Manufacturers kept rolling out more and more fascinating new products to accelerate the product replacement of consumers. Among the high-tech market, smartphones might be the most inseparable product for human. Therefore, this study would analyze the impact of different factors on smartphones replacement decision. Moreover, in order to analyze Apple’s strategy of launching iPhone 8 and iPhone X within two months last year, this study would be based on the perspective of iPhone users.
    This study first discusses the impact of expectation of technology on fear of obsolescence. Then take consumer satisfaction as the holding situation, to further discusses the impact of fear of obsolescence and anticipated regret on smartphones replacement decision, including product upgrade intention, brand repurchase intention and brand switching intention. Lastly, the study would discuss the impact of attraction effect and compromise effect on product upgrade intention.

    The conclusions of this study are as below:
    1. The stronger of consumer expectation of technology, the stronger of fear of technological, economic and psychological obsolescence.
    2. The stronger of consumer fear of technological obsolescence, the higher of product upgrade intention.
    3. The stronger of consumer fear of psychological obsolescence, the higher of product upgrade intention, brand repurchase intention and brand switching intention.
    4. The higher of consumer anticipated regret, the lower of brand repurchase intention.
    5. The higher of product attraction effect, the higher of product upgrade intention.
    Reference: 中文部分
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.012.2018.F06
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