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    Title: 商業銀行客戶需求分析與客群經營策略之研究
    The Research for the Customer Demand and Customer Segmentation Strategy of Commercial Bank
    Authors: 李宗賢
    Li, Tsung-Hsien
    Contributors: 彭金隆
    Li, Tsung-Hsien
    Keywords: 需求理論
    Hierarchy of needs
    Consumer behavior
    Market segmentation
    Target market selection
    Market positioning
    Environment-strategy-structure-performance paradigm (ESSP)
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-05 16:49:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣金融機構一方面要面臨經濟情勢的改變,另一方面還必須因應各國經濟情勢的衝擊,再加上數位科技時代浪潮洶湧來襲,金融資訊透明且爆炸,消費者意識抬頭且自主性強,而數位科技時代亦使金融商品科技化,促使以往皆以銷售商品的金融業,紛紛著重在尋找客戶需求、提供客戶與眾不同的服務等方式,以提高客戶黏著度,創造各銀行之核心競爭力。目前金融業因長久以來受到主管機關的高度監管下,在台灣是屬於架構穩健且發展成熟的產業,而本研究希望探討為因應外在環境改變及市場競爭激烈等因素,即使是目前已經營相當成功且成熟之金融機構,是否能透過改變經營方向(由產品導向轉為需求導向)之行銷策略,進而再創收益、找出未來策略及經營方向。
    本研究以需求理論、消費者行為及市場區隔、目標市場選擇、市場定位為分析基礎,採用個案研究法分析個案銀行之內外部及市場競爭分析,並以個案銀行現有業務架構下進行客群、產品、銷售、通路及人員進行研究,其中亦應用環境策略配適架構(ESSP)分析個案銀行就客群經營策略之環境、策略與組織之關聯性。 研究結果顯示,以客戶需求為出發,推出能切中客戶內心真正的「需要」的商品,並以年齡劃分設定客群,找出符合客戶之商品,將可以提高客戶與金融商品的連結度。可以藉由客戶在不同年齡因為生活環境、消費行為及心理特徵而產生不同需求,而這樣的需求當被喚起成慾望時,就會是促使客戶主動接受金融商品的關鍵因素,而成為「觸動」客戶心中「需求」的一把鎖。
    Financial institutions currently facing rapidly change of national economy and the challenge of digital media that letting all information become clear and easily accessed. In this digital age with consumer’s awareness rising, financial instruments having technological development that pushing financial industry transfer target from simply selling to focus on customized service in order to become more competitive in the industry. Financial industry in Taiwan is comparatively stable and well developed due to long term supervised by the competent authority. This research is focusing on while facing the change of environment and competitors, will those well-developed financial institutions able to increase profit by developing or changing marketing strategy.
    We will start with analysis of the bank in consumer demanding, marketing strategy and market positioning in order to analyze client, products and marketing. We also use ESSP paradigm to analyze the relationship between environment, strategy and structure. In conclusion, by the detail studying strategy customer’s age, economic environment will help to develop the financial products that can meet the actual demanding of customer. The personalized financial product which designed based on consumer’s age, economic situation and life style will be the key effect that encourage customer to purchase the product.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105932013
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EMBA.012.2018.F08
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