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    Title: 競爭性中衛體系間的多廠商合作─聯盟形成、治理與生命週期
    Cooperation among Multiple Firms across Competing Corporate Synergy Systems─Alliance Formation, Governance, and Life Cycle
    Authors: 顏孟賢
    Contributors: 于卓民

    Keywords: 策略聯盟
    Strategic alliance
    Cooperation among multiple firms
    Alliance life cycle
    The third party
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-05 16:49:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文旨在探究競爭性中衛體系間多廠商合作之形成、治理及動態演化歷程。延伸自策略聯盟文獻,本論文亦連結了競合及動態競爭的觀點,以台灣自行車業組成的多廠商聯盟為研究對象,針對單一個案進行深度的質性分析。本論文將具競爭關係多廠商間的合作劃分為初始階段、成長階段與成熟階段,進而探究在不同階段下,「形成動機」、「夥伴選擇」及「治理機制」間的交互影響關係;不同合作階段的實績展現,則會影響下一階段的合作本質。紮根自不同合作階段的研究發現,本論文亦發展出由「聯盟演化」、「競合氛圍」、「利益關係評估」及「合作體系動態」構成的動態循環週期。本論文據以提出三項研究命題:首先,合作體系內各廠商間的競合氛圍及對於合作利益關係的評估,將會影響競爭性中衛體系間多廠商合作的形成與演化;其次,在不同的合作階段下,對應廠商間不同程度的競合氛圍與利益關係評估,亦會影響各合作階段治理機制的選擇;最後,本論文針對競爭性中衛體系間多廠商合作的第三方單位,亦提出其在合作階段可扮演「連結外部網絡的資源與知識」、「中立的治理單位」及「監督與強化合作關係」等角色,有助於合作關係的形成與強化。本論文突破傳統文獻,以多廠商、具競爭關係及跨中衛體系之研究情境,以個案分析發展出各項研究發現與命題,期能對相關領域之理論與實務有所貢獻。
    The purpose of this study is to explore the formation, governance, and evolution dynamics of cooperation among multiple firms across competing corporate synergy systems. Linking the coopetition and competitive dynamics perspectives to strategic alliance, this study conducted a single-case study to analyse the alliance dynamics between two corporate synergy systems in the Taiwanese bicycle industry. To divide the cooperation into three stages which includes initial stage, growth stage, and maturity stage, this study presents the interactions between motivation of cooperation, partner selection, and governance mechanism along the alliance life cycle. Further, the performance of each stage would have impacts on the following stages. Extracting from the research findings according to the three cooperation stages, this study proposed a loop composed of the evolution of alliance, the tension within cooperation, the evaluation of benefits, and the dynamics of the cooperation. While multiple competing firms form an alliance, the degree of tension within cooperation and the evaluation of benefits during different stages would influence the dynamics of cooperation. On the other hand, this study also suggests that the governance mechanisms would be applied contingent on the evolution of alliance. This study also provides implications of roles of the third party who has involved in the cooperation. To connect to external resources, to be the neutral governance authority, and to strengthen the commitments of each member firm within the alliance, the thirty party plays a role to consolidate the relationship and benefits during the cooperation stages.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1013555031
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.BA.001.2018.F08
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