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    Title: 拒絕的邏輯:公共政策網路參與平台政府回覆內容的論證分析
    The Logic of Denial: An Analysis on the Arguments of the Official Responses on the “Public Policy Participation Network Platform”
    Authors: 林彥君
    Lin, Yen-Chun
    Contributors: 黃東益
    Huang, Tong-Yi
    Lin, Yen-Chun
    Keywords: 電子化政府
    Policy argumentation
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-04 14:47:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著資訊通訊技術的演進以及對社會變遷的回應,我國電子化政府計畫已從線上公共服務輸送,拓展到網路公民參與的階段。2015年國家發展委員會建置了「公共政策網路參與平臺」,讓民眾可透過網路對公共政策提出建言,希望能在更為公開透明的環境下,達到強化與民溝通、提升政府與民眾信任關係的目標。然而,電子化工具的運用,卻為政府帶來更嚴苛的挑戰。公共政策網路參與平臺在運作兩年後,滿意度調查結果卻顯示,參與民眾的政治效能感、對政府回應內容的滿意度均偏低。本研究認為,政府在與人民進行政策溝通時,應提出足令採信的論據,以促進政府與民眾間的理性溝通,因此,本研究的目的即是深入探討、評估政府回應內容,以瞭解可能的問題所在。本研究使用關鍵個案抽樣,篩選23個政府拒絕民眾提議的案例,並使用William N. Dunn的政策論證模型作為研究架構,透過內容分析法與文本分析法拆解並重構政府回應文本,嘗試還原政府回應內容中所蘊含的理性基礎。研究結果發現,政府在拒絕民眾提議時,最常使用動機式論證與權威式論證,而政府若僅以是否符合法規作為拒絕理由,將會因為一味要求民眾守法、忽略實際可能的窒礙狀況,而產生目標錯置的問題,導致回覆內容難以取信於民。因此,本研究建議政府應妥善管理回應品質,權責機關在拒絕民眾提議時,應避免只引用法律規定作為理由,並盡可能說明法令或政策的依據原則或施行目的,而國家發展委員會亦應持續調查民眾滿意度,建立知識管理機制與網路政策溝通的參考原則。
    In response to the evolution of information and communication technologies and social change, the e-Government program in Taiwan has expanded from online public service delivery to netizen participation. In 2015, the National Development Council launched the Public Policy Network Participation Platform, a transparent online platform designed to allow citizens to voice their opinions regarding public policies and thus, to enhance trust between the public and the government. However, the use of such a platform poses grave challenges to the government. Two years after the platform came online, a survey found that citizens using the platform re-ported a low sense of political efficacy and low satisfaction with the government’s responses. The present study argued that the government should offer compelling evidence as a basis for policy communication to encourage rational communication with the public. Therefore, the present study aimed at investigating government responses to public suggestions regarding public policies to determine the causes of miscommunication between the government and citizens.
    Critical (or crucial) case sampling was performed to select 23 cases in which the government rejected public suggestions. The policy argument model proposed by William N. Dunn served as the framework for this study. Content and textual analyses were conducted to deconstruct and reconstruct the government’s responses, thus identifying the rationales for the responses. This study found that “argumentation from motivation” or “argumentation from authority” are the government’s typical rationale for rejecting public suggestions, and that if the government justifies its rejection solely on legal grounds, then it tends to demand law-abidance alone, rather than addressing possible obstacles, thus causing goal displacement and responding to citizens in an unconvincing manner. On the basis of the findings, this study recommends that the government should properly manage their responses to public opinions voiced on the Public Policy Network Participation Platform, and the competent authorities should provide the basis for or purposes of relevant laws or policies to justify their rejection. Moreover, the National Development Council should continue to survey public satisfaction with government responses on this platform, develop a knowledge management mechanism, and frame guidelines on online policy communication.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105921064
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    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MEPA.005.2018.F09
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