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    Title: 文化全球化與在地審美觀:匈牙利與台灣的比較研究
    “How Cultural Globalization Shapes Our Beauty Ideals – A Comparative Study on Hungary and Taiwan”
    Authors: 雲潔穎
    Kardos, Dora
    Contributors: 康庭瑜
    Kang, Ting-Yu
    Kardos, Dora
    Keywords: 文化全球化
    Cultural globalization
    Beauty ideals
    Female beauty
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-04 14:46:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Beauty is important not just for women, but to our whole society – and is a concept that is dependent on culture. As we live in the digital era and a highly interconnected world, cultural globalization shapes many aspect of our lives, including our perceptions of beauty and beauty ideals as well, that are constantly changing and can be expected to be converging. The aim of this research paper was to explore these global and regional influences and find out how they shape the beauty ideals of women in Hungary and Taiwan: exploring the content young women from the two countries consume on Instagram, searching for a deeper understanding of the modes of beauty ideals that are embodied by these images. It was found that Hungarian women differentiate between the modes of beauty represented by continental European and Anglo-American influencers. Continental European influencers are praised for their natural beauty, while the Anglo-American ideals are often criticized for being superficial. These perceptions can be explained by theories of Occidentalism. Meanwhile Taiwanese young women were found to look for Japanese and Korean influencers for sources of cultural inscription and often had a liking for Caucasian-Asian, mixed-race influencers. A surprising finding was the lack of significant presence of US influencers, which can be explained by the rise of self-made micro-celebrities on social media, as well as the Hollywood film studios’ new practices of recruiting movie stars from different regions of the world to cater for diverse markets.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1054610161
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMICS.002.2018.F05
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