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    Title: 以消費路徑觀點分析全通路管理模式
    A case study on the customer path to the omni-channel management models
    Authors: 王為令
    Wang, Wei-Ling
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Chiu, Yi-Chia
    Wang, Wei-Ling
    Keywords: 虛實整合
    Click and mortar
    Customer path
    Omni channel
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-03 17:39:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自電子商務的出現,部分消費族群逐漸改變消費習慣,除了傳統通路更多元化,虛擬通路也廣泛的增加。虛擬通路與實體通路各有優劣勢,而零售業也開始將虛實通路整合,使虛擬與實體通路各發揮其特性,成為相互補的經營方式。
    Since the emergence of E-commerce, some of consumers gradually change their consumption habits. In addition to more diversified traditional channels, virtual channels have also increased widely. Virtual channels and physical channels have their pros and cons, and the retail industry has also begun to integrate virtual and physical channels so that the virtual and physical channels each play its own characteristics and become complementary business methods.
    However, the analysis of the customer path also moves from the traditional linear model to the non-linear customer path, and the integration of virtual and physical channels through the perspective of customer path is mainly through the O2O to mutual diversion. As the boundaries between virtual and physical channel become more and more blurred, in order to avoid channel confliction, the company transits from multi-channel to omni-channel. Plus, the seven consistencies of omni-channel should be added and can clear the architecture of customer path to the omni-channel management models.
    Through the transformation of the apparel industry company, Life8, from online to omni-channel development, this study will use theoretical frameworks to analyze the operations of this case to discuss the issues and solutions that the omni-channel management. It hopes that through the combination of theory and practice, will be able to provide the corporate direction for the future operation of omni-channel strategy.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106363055
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.011.2018.F08
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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