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    Title: 3C零售業之全通路管理策略
    A Case Study on the Omni-Channel of 3C Retailer Industry
    Authors: 鄧宇惠
    Teng, Yu-Hui
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Teng, Yu-Hui
    Keywords: 虛實整合
    Channel conflict
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-03 17:39:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著環境的變遷與科技進步,通路從單一通路、多通路,演變至全通路。簡言之,全通路意即將各通路有效融合,共創消費者一致性體驗。在此趨勢下,企業經營方針逐漸轉變成「消費者中心制」,並積極建設系統或導入新科技,試圖多方獲取消費者數據,以完整描繪出顧客面貌,導入精準化、客製化的服務,提升消費者的忠誠度。目前台灣有幾家 3C零售業者正積極佈局全通路,其中不乏成功案例,然而綜觀整體 3C零售市場,根據經濟部統計處最新資料中發現,2015年至 2016 年,電商搶食資通訊與家電市場的狀況,比例成長將近 1.5 倍,其它如價格競爭、跨界搶食市場的比例也有所提升。

    面對這樣的狀況,推測未來將會有更多線下 3C 零售業進行虛實整合,以趕上數位零售的浪潮。有鑑於此,本研究透過實際訪談與理論架構分析,探討個案「良興電子」,其從 2005 年開始因應電子商務趨勢轉型至今,如何進行虛實整合及其發展全通路的經營模式,期許幫助更多相關業者,擬定後續轉型計畫時可參考本個案的策略模式。

    The development of retailing industry has been influenced by the environment and technological advancement. The channel has evolved from a single channel to multiple
    channels to the Omni-channel retailing. Retailer become more and more consumer oriented, they try to let consumers shop at any channel become possible and experience the customized service.

    Looking at the overall 3C retail market in Taiwan,according to the latest data from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C., it was discovered that from 2015 to 2016, ecommerce companies rushed for 3C market and the proportion has grown by nearly 1.5 times. In this situation, it is anticipating that there will be more offline 3C retail exploring the business model of Omni-channel.

    This thesis will be aimed at clicks-and-mortar model and Omni-channel strategy, and choose “EcLife (良興電子)” as the research target. EcLife was founded in 1973, started clicks-and-mortar model since 2005, and become Omni-channel retailer successfully in recent year.

    The results of the study found that the source of benefits from clicks-and-mortar can be discussed from two
    perspectives. The service power of employees and the data
    analysis ability. Base on that, this thesis focuses on the short-term and long-term strategies according to Omni-channel strategy model and give advises for improvement.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106363050
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.018.2018.F08
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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