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Title: | 設計思維應用於產品開發之有效性探討 ─ 以藍瓶咖啡為例 The Effectiveness of the Application of Design Mindset to Product Development - A Case Study of Blue Bottle Coffee |
Authors: | 謝慧霖 Hsieh, Hui-Lin |
Contributors: | 巫立宇 林宜霓 Wu, Lei-Yu Lin, Yi-Ni 謝慧霖 Hsieh, Hui-Lin |
Keywords: | 設計思考 衝刺計畫 雙鑽石模型 藍瓶咖啡 Design thinking Google sprint The double diamond Blue bottle coffee |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-03 17:39:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來科技發展快速、產業轉型升級之風興盛,在此背景下「創新」也逐漸成為顯學,成為企業提升競爭力的重要因素之一。在創新的眾多面向中,本研究選擇從設計角度出發,探討設計思維如何應用於產品開發流程中。 以源於美國舊金山灣區之藍瓶咖啡為研究對象,探討其使用衝刺計畫(Google Sprint)進行網站優化專案之成效,將網站之重新設計視為產品開發。以起源於美國IDEO設計公司之設計思考(Design Thinking)為理論、Google Venture開發之衝刺計畫為實作方式,並以英國設計委員會提出之雙鑽石模型(The Double Diamond)解釋設計思考與衝刺計畫之關係,探討以設計思考之流程分析藍瓶咖啡衝刺計畫,從而驗證其有效性。 本研究經由上述方式,分析設計思考與衝刺計畫皆符合雙鑽石模型之思維流程,認為兩者有高度相關性;且分析導入衝刺計畫之個案公司藍瓶咖啡,在優化之網站上架後,其線上銷售額及顧客於網站停留之時間皆獲得翻倍成長,並於隔年收購了一家咖啡訂購公司,提升之商業價值顯著;並以設計思考之流程為構面,拆解組合衝刺計畫之步驟,分析導入衝刺計畫而達成有效創新之藍瓶咖啡個案,得以間接驗證設計思維於產品開發之有效性。 The trend of technology development and industry transformation and upgrading prevails in recent years. Given this condition, “innovation” has gradually becoming popular and more valued as one of the important factors of improving competitive advantage of business. Among numerous approaches of innovation, this study started from design perspective and discussed how the design mindset can be applied to the process of product development. Taking re-design of a website as product development, this study focused on the website improvement project of Blue Bottle Coffee from San Francisco Bay Area applying Google Sprint as research object. Taking Design Thinking from IDEO as theory and Google Sprint from Google Venture as practice approach, this study applied The Double Diamond from Design Council to interpret the correlation between Design Thinking and Google Sprint and confirmed the effectiveness of design mindset by analyzing the Google Sprint progress of Blue Bottle Coffee with Design Thinking process. This study analyzed the high correlation of Design Thinking and Google Sprint by The Double Diamond through the approach above since the steps of Google Sprint could be disassembled and reassembled by Design Thinking process. The effectiveness of design mindset in product development could be confirmed by discussing the successful innovation case of Blue Bottle Coffee applying Google Sprint. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 105363114 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363114 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.016.2018.F08 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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