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    Title: 影響民眾使用餐廳線上訂位之關鍵因素探討
    The Key Factors Affecting Attitude and Using Behavior of the Online Restaurant Reservation
    Authors: 簡宏翰
    Chien, Hung-Han
    Contributors: 張愛華
    Chang, Ai-Hwa
    Chien, Hung-Han
    Keywords: 餐廳線上訂位
    Online restaurant reservation
    UTAUT model
    Web service quality
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-03 17:38:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著現今網際網路的蓬勃發展,然而台灣餐飲服務業的電子化程度仍低的情況下,除了現有的外送與訂位市場,企業能否藉由餐廳線上訂位整合線上資訊與線下服務開拓新市場?是什麼影響民眾使用餐廳線上訂位?本研究的目的是以整合性科技接受度模型(UTAUT)與網站服務品質的架構來對餐廳線上訂位的使用者與未使用者進行實證性的研究。
    透過文獻的蒐集與整理,提出影響使用者與潛在使用者對於餐廳線上訂位的使用意圖的模型,進行問卷調查,依照本研究結果顯示: 影響有使用餐廳線上訂位的民眾因素可以歸納為四點,分別是(1)對績效的期望(2)對付出的期望(3)配合的情況(如: 信用卡、網路資源 )(4)網站服務品質。而影響潛在使用者運用餐廳線上訂位的因素可以歸納為三點,分別是(1)對績效的期望(2)對付出的期望(3)社群的影響。此外年齡、教育程度與所得亦與模型中的某些構面有關連。如: 年齡20歲(含)以下比21~25歲的使用者在「社群的影響」構面有較顯著差異,26~30歲比20歲(含)以下對於「配合的情況」構面有較顯著的影響;教育程度有使用餐廳線上訂位碩、博士比大學在「配合的情況」有較顯著的影響;平均月可支配金額40,001元含以上比10,000元含以下在「配合的情況」有較顯著的影響,平均月可支配金額10,001~20,000元比10,000元含以下在「配合的情況」有較顯著的影響。
    Under the trend of contemporary prosperity in digitalization, companies have increasingly introduced e-services; however, the degree of digitalization of Taiwan`s food service industry is still low. Can a restaurant develop new markets by integrating online information and offline services through online reservations? What are the key factors affecting the publics to use online restaurant reservations? The purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical study on users and potential users to investigate the intention to use restaurant online reservations based on UTAUT model and website service quality theories.
    Through the review of literature, the author designs a model that decpicts the factors that influence user’s and potential user’s intentions to use online restaurants reservation. The factors that influence the intention to use online restaurant reservations can be summarized as four aspects: 1.Expectation of performance, 2. Expectation of effort, 3. Facilitating Conditions, 4. Quality of website service. The factors that influence the potential user to use online restaurants reservations can be summarized as three aspects: 1. Expectation of performance, 2. Expectation of effort, and 3. Social influence. In addition, some demographic factors significantly influence the intention of the consumers to use online restaurant reservation.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105363094
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MBA.021.2018.F08
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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