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    Title: 台灣美食外交-國家道地美味與推廣策略
    Taiwan`s Gastrodiplomacy: Strategies of Culinary Nation-Branding and Outreach
    Authors: 藍小米
    Defrancq, Camille
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Lin, Yung-Fang
    Camille Defrancq
    Keywords: 軟實力
    Soft power
    Taiwanese cuisine
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-03 17:37:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 這個研究的重點,是軟實力的機制與它的文化層面。我首先深入了解軟實力的機制,再來聚焦於公共外交及美食公共外交,還有它對群眾產生的正面影響力。目前,這個主題還算新穎,學術領域還沒有很多學者做比較深入的研究,也還沒有全面的案例分析,或比較分析。所以我打算採台灣的案例分析,實現這個方面的不足。選台灣這個國家也不是沒道理的。第一,因為台灣在國際關係方面,算是一個中等權力體,也因為最近中華民國的外交日俱孤立。因而公共外交,可能是台灣持續為自己在21世纪爭取國際地位的唯一辦法。
    This research was done to understand the mechanism of Soft Power and focused on its cultural aspect. It gives an in-depth analysis of a recent field of public diplomacy, gastrodiplomacy, the positive attraction of the foreign audience by fulfilling their stomachs with good food. This field is pretty new in the academic sphere and does not have yet a complete case study as I intended to give by using the case study of a middle power: Taiwan. The choice of Taiwan is not thoughtless. The Republic of China has increasingly been diplomatically isolated and therefore the use of public diplomacy may be one of its only options to keep a positive place in the 21st century.
    With this study, I try to show the potential benefit that gastrodiplomacy can have on people perception on how it can help to identify a country culture through its culinary culture. Through comparative study, perception analysis and policy analysis, I try to show that not only does gastrodiplomacy is an effective strategy for increasing awareness and attracting the foreign audiences, it could be also used to enhance the relationship between two countries.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1058620081
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IMPIS.002.2018.A06
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