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    题名: 日本北極政策分析:政策演變與國際政治互動
    Analysis on Japan`s Arctic Policy: Evolution of Policy and International Political Interaction
    作者: 高森
    Gao, Sen
    贡献者: 柯玉枝
    Gao, Sen
    关键词: 國際機制
    International mechanism
    International political interaction
    National interests
    Japan`s arctic strategy
    日期: 2018
    上传时间: 2018-07-03 17:37:26 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 全球氣候暖化使得北極地區的資源開發和航道開拓成為了可能,也重新塑造著北極事務的治理機制。對於非北極國家的日本而言,北極戰略環境的變化對於日本的北極政策也產生了重要的影響,北極事務與日本的國家利益息息相關。本文將以相互依賴觀點下的新自由主義國際合作觀為出發點,探討日本參與北極事務國際合作的必要性與可行性,從日本的本國政策和參與北極事務國際合作兩個方面透視氣候變遷下日本北極戰略的思維,並對日本北極政策的障礙與前景進行分析。
    Climate warming makes the development of resources and exploration of channels in the Arctic become more possible, which also reshapes the governance mechanism of the Arctic affairs. Japan is a non-Arctic country, but changes of the Arctic strategic environment has important influences on Japan`s Arctic policy since the Arctic affairs are closely related to Japan`s national interests. This paper focuses on the view of new liberalism and uses the view of international cooperation to discuss the feasibility and the necessity of Japan`s involvement in the Arctic. Through the analysis of Japan`s Arctic policy and involvement in the Arctic, this paper discusses the perception, the advantages and the barriers of Japan`s Arctic strategy.

    The development of Japan`s Arctic policy is the basis of the analysis in this paper. Nowadays, Japanese government has not set up specific Arctic strategy, but has formulated the system of multi-level policy documents with the core of attaching great importance to the international cooperation and science after formulating three Basic Marine Plans in 2008,2013,2018 and Japan`s Arctic Strategy in 2015. The characteristics of Japan`s Arctic strategy are as followings: putting economic interests as the center; attaching great importance to the resources development and environmental protection; promoting the international multilateral governance, and tending to build a new order in the Arctic in order to raise the influence of Japan in the Arctic affairs.

    Japan tends to use multilateral diplomatic platform like the Arctic Council and play the advantages of domestic enterprises to interact multi-level and multi-field multilateral communication on Arctic affairs. However, Japan`s Arctic strategy faces limitation from the domestic decision-making mechanism of the Arctic affairs and lacks of a clear national position and national goals. Focusing on Japan`s future development path of the Arctic strategy, this paper discusses from three aspects to analyze: ways of participations, contributions to the Arctic governance mechanisms and channels of effective international cooperation. Looking for common sense among Japan, the Surround-Arctic Nations and the non-Arctic nations will effectively incorporate the fractional international cooperation into systematic international political interaction on Arctic affairs. To enrich the level of the international political interaction, Japanese government should introduce non-state actors in the main body of international cooperation by expanding people-to-people exchanges and using the international multilateral cooperation mechanism and conducting cooperation on Arctic affairs in the aspects of government and civil exchanges.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1048610113
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.MPJS.002.2018.A06
    显示于类别:[日本研究學位學程] 學位論文




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