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Title: | 中国的陆军:陆基安全威胁和军事改革2007-2018 China’s Army: Land-Based Security Threats and Military Reform 2007-2018 |
Authors: | 李浩晟 Lee, Amos H. |
Contributors: | 袁易 Yuan, Yi 李浩晟 Lee, Amos H. |
Keywords: | 陸軍安全威脅 軍事改革 能力建設 解放軍陸軍 國際安全環境 建軍政策 白皮書 Land-based security threats, Military reform Capacity building PLA army International security Environment Arms-building white papers |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-03 17:36:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 陆基安全威胁与解放军军事改革目标之间的关系如何?考虑到这种关系,PLA陆军队能力的持续提升是最优策略选择?这篇论文尝试通过检视不同的陆基安全威胁并适用解放军陆军的军事改革来回答这些问题。这项研究的基础将依靠中央军事委员会直接出版的白皮书指南的分析。军事改革包括最优或次优决策。中国人民解放军陆军决定加强军事力量的基本原理依赖于中国国际安全环境的状况。在这种脉络下理解解放军改革的进步对于认识中央军事委员会的思想过程至关重要,可以为解放军提供更加细致的形象。另外,对中华人民共和国利益相关的国家将能够在考虑PLAA的立场的同时,重新评估其在亚太地区的军事政策。 What is the relationship between land-based security threats and the objectives of military reform in the PLA Army? After considering this relationship, is the continued advancement of PLA Army capabilities the most optimal policy choice? This thesis attempts to address these questions by examining various land-based security threats and applying this understanding to military reform in PLA Army. The foundation of this research will rely on the analysis of white paper guidance published by the Central Military Commission under the Communist Party of China. Theoretically, this study displays the question of military reform as either an optimal or suboptimal decision. The rationale behind the quality of the PLA Army’s decision to bolster their military capabilities relies on the state of China’s international security environment. Understanding the advancements of the PLA Army’s reform within this context is vital to recognizing the thought process of Central Military Commission and can provide a more nuanced image of the PLAA. Additionally, countries with an interest in the People’s Republic of China will be able to reevaluate their military policies in the Asia-Pacific region while considering the position of the PLAA. |
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