题名: | 中國大陸中學校長科技領導現況及其案例分析之研究 A Study on the Status Quo of Principal’s Technology Leadership of Secondary Schools and cases analysis in Mainland China |
作者: | 許幸 Xu, Xing |
贡献者: | 張奕華 Chang, I-Hua 許幸 Xu, Xing |
关键词: | 中國大陸 中等學校 校長科技領導 Mainland China Secondary schools Principal’s technology leadership |
日期: | 2018 |
上传时间: | 2018-07-03 17:35:04 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究旨在探討中國大陸中等學校校長科技領導之現況,不同背景變項中學教師知覺校長科技領導之情形,並以兩所學校為研究案例,進一步分析校長在科技領導所涵蓋的各個層面之舉措,依據研究結果,提供案例學校在未來發展的相關建議。研究方法以問卷調查法與訪談法為主,問卷調查以兩所案例學校的全體教師為研究樣本共計340人,以校長科技領導問卷為研究工具,共回收211份問卷,去除無效問卷13份,得有效問卷198份,可用率為93.8%。資料處理使用IBM SPSS 22.0,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢驗、單因子變異數分析等方法進行。訪談對象為兩所學校的校長及一所學校的教研主任,訪談資料以錄音方式記載並據實謄寫逐字稿,用MAXQDA 12進行質性資料分析。 本研究結果歸納如下: 一、中國大陸中學校長科技領導現況呈現「高程度」。 二、中國大陸中學校長科技領導現況在五個層面上的表現從高到低依序為:「願景、計劃與管理」、「成員發展與訓練」、「科技與基礎設施支持」、「人際關係與溝通技巧及「評量、評鑑與研究」。 三、不同擔任職務之教師知覺校長科技領導整體上有顯著差異。 四、不同性別、年齡、年資、學歷與所在學校位置、類型不同之教師在知覺校長科技領導上無顯著差異。 依據上述結論,研究者提出若干條建議,供未來中國大陸中學校長科技領導及此方面的有關研究參酌。 This study aims to explore the current situation of principals of technology leadership in secondary schools in Mainland China, and the situation of secondary school teachers in different backgrounds perceiving the principal’s leadership in technology. Taking two schools as research cases, this study further analyzes the principal’s initiatives at all levels of technology leadership. Based on the results of the study, the researcher provides relevant suggestions for the development of case schools in the future. The research method was based on questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire survey included a sample of 340 teachers from all the two case schools. The principal’s technology leadership questionnaire was used as a research tool. A total of 211 questionnaires were collected and 13 invalid questionnaires were removed. There were 198 valid questionnaires, and the return rate was 93.8%. Data processing was performed using IBM SPSS 22.0 using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The interviewees were the principals of the two schools and the director of a school’s teaching and research. The interview data were recorded and recorded literally and verbatim. The qualitative data analysis was performed using MAXQDA 12. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The status of technology leadership of Chinese school principals in China presents a "high degree". 2. The status of the principals of technology in Chinese mainland school principals is ranked in descending order from high to low: "vision, planning and management," "staff development and training," " infrastructure and technology support," "interpersonal and communication skills", and "assessment, evaluation and research". 3. There is a significant difference in the perceptions of the principals technology leadership as a whole between teachers of different positions. 4. There is no significant difference in the perception of the principal’s technology leadership between teachers of different genders, ages, seniority, educational backgrounds, and locations, types of schools. Based on the above conclusions, the researcher proposed several suggestions for Chinese school principals technology leadership and related research in this area in the future. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育學系 105152018 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105152018 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.EDU.003.2018.F02 |
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