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    Title: 「喪親」與「家」的現象召喚及流變關係探究:癌症喪親主體視域
    Exploring the phenomenology and the becoming relations of ‘bereavement’ and ‘home’ towards the cancer death event: from phenomenological psychology perspective
    Authors: 高舒
    Kao, Shu
    Contributors: 林耀盛
    Lin, Yaw-Sheng
    Kao, Shu
    Keywords: 喪親

    Phenomenological psychology
    Ethical acts
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-03 17:31:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 關於喪親經驗,悲傷輔導或治療等適應性觀點,始終存在著主觀/客觀的界定難題,忽視研究主體是受苦者的現身情態。本研究首先探討國內文獻資料相關喪親主體的經驗現象,發現「關係」是喪親主體經驗中的重要主題。而這當中涉及的時間性議題,需進一步探究。循此,本研究透過現象學心理學視域,在關係的面向上,探究「喪親」,並給出關係的重要場域「家」。方法上,本研究透過半年的追蹤訪談,訪談六位具不同喪親時間、不同喪親對象的癌症喪親家屬,藉以擴大樣本變異性,思考現象的多重可能。取樣有兩位受訪家屬為兄妹,故本研究包含六位癌症喪親家屬,五個癌症喪親家庭。資料蒐集後,以李維倫與賴憶嫺(2009)的現象學分析方法進行分析。研究結果發現,六位受訪家屬各自的經驗樣貌中,共通的現象底蘊為:(1)與過世親人之間的關係流變與位移;(2)悲悼乃喪親主體時空混織的記憶與存在處境;(3)死亡映照出家的流動性,而家又給出流變中永恆連結的感受;(4)喪親主體個人生命史的現身與開展。此外,奠基上述四個普遍結構,本研究發現喪親主體的憶思和敘說,在其具身化的倫理行動,以及居家感的歸返過程,呈顯由「朝向不在場的過去」到「朝向無論在場與否的經驗及他者」,以及由「朝向他者」到「朝向我們(他者-自我)與自我」的經驗轉置,且這樣的經驗流變歷程,是一種整體性的匯流。本研究認為悲悼的本質,乃是「存有」的問題,而喪親主體與逝者之間持續性的倫理關係,是超越內化或外化的區隔連結,一種「以身嵌缺」的具身化連結。循此,悲悼沒有終結的時刻,喪親主體的心思地景,乃是永恆的流變。臨床實務上,本研究認為面對喪親主體的悲悼經驗,應解除情緒中心的思考模式,而記憶與象徵性他者的促發、以家為單位的經驗關照,亦為可能提供幫助的方向。
    This research aims to enrich understanding to the experiences of ‘bereavement’ / ‘grief experiences’ towards the bereaved family after the cancer death event. Nowadays, most of the grief counseling or intervention is adopted the adaptive view. However, there are subjectively / objectively defined dilemma, as well as the controversy over the concealment of disclosive feelings of the bereaved. Then this study further reviewed the subjective experiences of the bereaved revealed by domestic documents, which conclude that ‘relations’ is undoubtedly an important issue in this domain. However, the key point –temporality– still needs to be explored. Thus, through the phenomenological psychology approach, this study aims to explore the experiences with regard to ‘bereavement’ and ‘home’, and shed light on ethical relations between the bereaved and the deceased. The researcher adopted qualitative depth interview to collect the data, and a 6-month follow-up. Six cancer bereaved family members were recruited, including a pair of siblings. The results indicate there are four general structures emerge from the analysis of narrative data. Moreover, based on these four general structures, the participants would share some common processes. Throughout the embodied ethical acts and the homeward journey of homelikeness, the memories and narratives of the cancer bereaved family are presented from ‘towards the absence of the past’ to ‘towards present and the other’, and from ‘toward the other’ to ‘toward us (other-self) and self’. These becoming relations is a confluence and iteration process. This study considers the essence of grief to be ‘ontology’. And the continuing ethical relationship between the bereaved and the deceased is an embodiment bond that transcends internalized and externalized continuing bond. Therefore, the bereavement is an endless life-experience. The suggestions and implications were discussed from the results and conclusions.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103752005
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.PSY.001.2018.C01
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