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    Title: 以「性別議題」為主題之中高級華語教學設計與實踐
    Instructional design and implementation of gender-based courses in CSL for intermediate-high level learners
    Authors: 陳毅
    Chen, Yi
    Contributors: 舒兆民
    Shu, Zhao-Min
    Chen, Yi
    Keywords: 華語文教學
    Teaching chinese as a second language
    Gender issues
    Intermediate-high level Chinese discussion course
    Instructional design
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-07-03 17:30:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在將「性別議題」與中高級華語語言課程互相結合,發展華語性別議題討論課之「教學設計」。本研究採用文獻探討法、調查研究法、觀察研究法和行動研究法。首先從三個面向探討過去相關的研究。第一部分探討性別議題與語言教學的關係,先論證將性別議題融入語言教學的優點與必要性,再探討英語和華語教學中現有的實際課堂案例並分析其優缺點,以作為本次教學設計的參考;第二部分探究中高級口語課之教學理論與教學重點,並檢視合適的教學法與口語活動,以期能梳理出發展性別議題討論課的方向;第三部分則討論性別議題討論課之教學設計,探究可應用於本研究之教學模式與教學設計理論,並透過5C準則訂定教學目標。接著,根據上述研究基礎開始規劃教學設計,於「華語性別議題討論課」課堂上實施教學,並於之後分析與討論研究工具所蒐集到的資料,藉此總結本研究之研究結果。
    This study aims to incorporate “gender issues” into intermediate-high Chinese language class and to develop systematic instructional design for “gender-based Chinese discussion course.” The research methods used in the study include document analysis, survey research, observation, and action research. The study at first reviewed the previous relevant studies from three aspects: first, the relationship between gender issues and language education; second, intermediate-high level discussion course; third, instructional design integrated with gender issues. The instructional design was developed and implemented based on the results of the literature review. After the implementation, the study analyzed the data collected from the research tools used during the entire research, then concluding the final result of the research.
    According to the analysis, this paper reached its final conclusions with regard to the gender-based Chinese discussion course from three aspects. First, in terms of language proficiency, the course in general improved the five learners’ speaking and listening skills. Second, when it comes to “thinking on gender issues”, the course can indeed train the students’ ability to think about gender issues, but their original values almost remain unchanged after the course. As for the instructional design, the study found the merits and demerits of the instructional implementation and offered some suggestions to make it better. Eventually, the study concluded several teaching principles for the gender-based Chinese discussion course.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102161008
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/THE.NCCU.TCSL.002.2018.A07
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