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Title: | 探討中國大陸和台灣消費者行動支付之使用意願和影響因素分析 A Comparison of Mainland Chinese and Taiwanese Consumers` Intention to Use Mobile Payments and Key Factors Analysis |
Authors: | 吳優生 Wu, You-Sheng |
Contributors: | 邱志聖 吳優生 Wu, You-Sheng |
Keywords: | 行動支付 策略行銷4C架構 使用態度 使用意願 Mobile payment Strategic marketing 4C framework Adoption attitude Adoption intention |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-03 17:22:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著行動互聯網、行動通信技術的快速發展,消費者上網形態發生改變,以手機、平板為主的行動裝置使用時間日漸超越桌面型電腦。數位化時代下的消費支付形態隨之改變,透過行動裝置進行電子商務交易已成為新的發展趨勢;當前金融科技在全球範圍不斷升級,各國都在積極推動金融科技發展,建立無現金支付體系,無現金支付在未來將會取代現金交易。目前兩岸行動支付發展呈現不同態勢,相較於對岸迅猛發展,台灣島內行動支付發展較為緩慢。本研究欲探討影響兩岸消費者在使用和採納行動支付所考慮的主要原因;換言之,哪些因素會影響兩岸消費者使用行動支付的態度與意願及影響程度如何,是否兩岸消費者考慮 因素有所差異。 回顧歷史文獻發現大多使用TAM、UTAUT、知覺價值與風險等理論探討消費者行動支付使用意願,本研究在參考過往文獻的基礎上,引用邱志聖(2014)策略行銷分析理論,整理出七項考慮因素:知覺外顯效益、知覺外顯成本、資訊瞭解程度、知覺風險、社會影響、產品移轉成本以及知覺陷入成本,探討兩岸消費者對於行動支付的考量因素差異。而研究結果顯示,知覺外顯效益對兩岸消費者使用意願都有顯著且正向的影響,而知覺陷入成本對兩岸消費者使用意願呈現顯著且負向影響。兩岸消費者使用意願考量因素差異在於知覺外顯成本、資訊瞭解程度與社會影響三個因素,知覺外顯成本和社會影響會影響台灣消費者對行動支付的使用意願,分別呈現負向與正向影響。而資訊瞭解程度會影響大陸消費者對使用行動支付的使用意願,呈現正向影響。最後本研究亦從社會大環境角度來深入分析造成差異的原因,并給兩岸行動支付業者一些行銷建議,以期促進兩岸行動支付市場發展。 With the rapid development of mobile Internet and mobile communication technologies, the use of mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets has gradually surpassed that of desktop computers. Consumer payment habits have also changed, with e-commerce transactions through mobile devices becoming more and more prevalent. Countries across the globe are actively promoting and developing their Fintech industries and establishing cashless payment systems. While Mainland China and Taiwan are no exception, the development of mobile payment systems in Taiwan is significantly slower. This study seeks to explore the main reasons that affect cross-strait consumers in the adoption and use of mobile payments, in other words, what factors influence cross-strait consumers` attitude and intention to use mobile payments. Reviewing the historical literature, it was found that most studies use TAM, UTAUT, and Perceived Value & Risk Theory to explore consumers’ intention in using mobile payment systems. This study uses Chiou’s (2014) Strategic Marketing Analysis Theory, which is made up of seven elements: Perceived Explicit Benefits, Perceived Explicit Costs, Information Awareness, Perceived Risks, Social Influence, Product Transfer Costs, and Perceived Exclusivity Costs, to explore differences in cross-strait consumer considerations for mobile payments. The results of the study show that Perceived Explicit Benefits have a significant and positive impact on consumers’ adoption intention on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. While Perceived Exclusivity Costs have a significant and negative impact on consumers’ adoption intention on both sides. The main differences in cross-strait consumer considerations lie in three factors: Perceived Explicit Costs, Information Awareness and Social Influence. For Taiwanese consumers, Perceived Explicit Costs were found to have a negative impact, while Social Influence was found to have a positive effect on their adoption intention. While for Mainland Chinese consumers Information Awareness was found to positively impact their adoption intention. Finally, this study analyzes the causes of the differences and provides marketing suggestions that can be used to promote the development of cross-strait mobile payment markets. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 105351057 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105351057 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.006.2018.F06 |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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