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Title: | 產品多樣性對需求風險的影響 The impact of product variety on demand risk |
Authors: | 林育如 Lin, Yu-Ju |
Contributors: | 簡睿哲 Jean, Ruey-Jer 林育如 Lin, Yu-Ju |
Keywords: | 供應鏈風險 需求風險 需求不確定性 產品多樣性 制度發展 Supply chain risk Demand risk Demand uncertainty Product variety Institutional development |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-07-03 17:21:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 供應鏈管理不只是包含採購、生產、或物流等傳統活動,還包含與供應鏈夥伴之間的合作。供應鏈風險一直是一個熱門的議題,因為存在於供應鏈中的風險可能會造成供應鏈中的供需失衡。為了要管理供應鏈風險,公司間會採用整合策略像是VMI模式。許多過去的研究由整體觀點來看供應鏈整合對供應鏈表現的影響,鮮少研究專門以供應商的觀點出發。在VMI模式中,當下游廠商負責需求預估,供應商也在尋求可以控制需求風險的方法,其中一種有效方式是調整產品組合。在本研究中,我們實證出產品多樣性與需求風險有U型關係。此外,我們融入制度理論,將制度發展變數(市場化指數和政府對R&D的補助)納入研究中,資料來自於中國的一間半導體通路商,並以倉庫作為研究單位。研究結果顯示制度發展會使產品多樣性對需求風險的影響趨緩。 Supply chain management does not only contain traditional activities like procurement, production, and logistic, but also cooperation with supply chain partners. Supply chain risk has been a popular issue since it cause disruption in supply chain. To manage supply chain risk, companies adopt integration strategies such as vendor managed inventory (VMI). Many studies focus on macro scope to study impact of integration on supply chain performance; few studies draw on attention from view of suppliers. While downstream partner takes charge of demand forecast, vendor also seeks a way to control demand uncertainty. One way to manage demand uncertainty is adjusting product portfolio. We empirically examined the U-shape relationship between product variety and demand risk. In addition, this study merge institutional theory, enclosing institutional variables (marketization degree and government support on R&D) at hub level in China. The result indicate that institutional development weakens the negative effect of product variety. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 104351005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104351005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.IB.002.2018.F06 |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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