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    Title: 嵌入式電腦產業之供應鏈整合與績效關係之研究-以A公司為例
    A Study of Relationship Between Supply Chain Integration and Performance in Embedded Computer Industry- Case Study of Company A
    Authors: 梁博雅
    Liang, Boya
    Contributors: 李易諭
    Lee, Yih-Yuh
    Liang, Boya
    Keywords: 供應鏈整合
    Supply chain integration
    Supply chain management
    Supply chain performance
    Embedded computer
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-06-12 18:22:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 嵌入式電腦產業的產品生命週期平均較長,需求量不高,需要品質穩定與長期供貨, 在供應鏈的管理策略上,會與一般消費性電子產業有些許不同,而本研究的探討案例為自有品牌專案,運用到了電子商務與線上社群等新興的資訊整合方法,相信對於供應鏈管理的意涵上有其值得探討之處。
    本研究探討供應鏈整合對於供應鏈績效之影響,在文獻探討中,供應鏈整合的構面分為與供應商、與客戶以及內部整合部分,結合文獻中提到的供應鏈管理, 並連結到SCOR模型中的績效評估指標,帶出本研究將探討的供應鏈整合作法。
    本研究以質化之個案訪談法,以嵌入式電腦公司之自有品牌產品線為研究對象,探討在專案管理面向裡, 供應鏈整合對於供應鏈績效之正向影響。本研究發現在專案管理中,除了在研究架構裡提到的供應鏈整合,在實務上各功能單位所引導之供應鏈整合,對於績效有正向的影響 。
    Because of the characteristics of long product life cycle of embedded industry, it requires stable quality performance and long-term supply, this will differentiate the supply chain strategy from consumer electronics industry. As this study focus on a private brand project of the company, it has applied some knowledge sharing methodologies such as e-commerce and online communities, it would be worth to explore and implications of supply chain management.
    This study examines the impact of supply chain integration on supply chain performance. In the literature review, the facets of supply chain integration are divided into three aspects: suppliers, customers, and internal integration combined with the supply chain management mentioned in the literature and linked to the performance evaluation indicators in the SCOR model. The above review brings out the supply chain integration method which will be discussed in this study.
    This study uses a qualitative case interview method to investigate the embedded brand company`s own brand product line, and explores the positive effect of supply chain integration on the supply chain performance in project management scope. This study finds that in the project management, in addition to the supply chain integration mentioned in the research framework, the supply chain integration in practice guided by each functional unit has a positive impact on performance.
    In the conclusion, the study focused on three different supply chain integration facets, collated the direct and indirect impacts of SCOR performance indicators in the supply chain integration method, and providing the corresponding suggestion in the conclusions.
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