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    Title: 組織中的主管情緒協助:一個調節式中介模式的發展與檢驗
    Emotion Helping by Managers: Development and Testing a Moderated Mediation Model
    Authors: 彭楚茵
    Peng, Chu Yin
    Contributors: 郭建志
    Peng, Chu Yin
    Keywords: 情緒協助
    Emotion helping
    Conservation of resources theory
    Personal resources
    Subjective well being
    Work fatigue
    Social impact theory
    Power distance orientation
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2018-06-12 17:52:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在現今多工、多角色而多刺激的工作環境中,人與人因為頻繁的接觸,使得部屬的情緒問題及其影響愈來愈受到組織所重視,其中,主管情緒協助扮演的角色舉足輕重,如何透過主管的行為影響部屬,進而影響整個組織,對管理意涵而言尤其重要。立基於過去情緒協助研究的認知概念,並以資源保存理論的觀點為基礎,本研究探討主管情緒協助的行為層面的內涵與分類,是如何保存與增加部屬的個人資源,而透過資源的變動,對部屬的主觀幸福感與工作疲勞狀況所產生的影響,另外,根據廣義的社會衝擊理論,試圖理解部屬權力距離傾向可能扮演的調節角色。本研究將採問卷調查法施測,第一階段共回收226份問卷,第二階段發放給226位第一階段的填答者,共回收線上問卷152份,因此,共回收有效線上問卷152份,有效回收率約為67%,研究結果顯示,在高部屬權力距離傾向調節的情況下,主管情緒協助會降低個人資源,使其主觀幸福感降低、工作疲勞上升,而在低部屬權力距離傾向調節的情況下,主管情緒協助會提升個人資源,使其主觀幸福感上升、工作疲勞降低。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並對理論貢獻、實務意涵、研究限制,以及未來研究方向加以闡述。
    The working environments nowadays are multi-work, multi-role and multi-stimulation. The emotion issue of employees is held in high regard today for organizations since people get in touch with each other more frequently. Among them, supervisors’ emotion helping plays an important role in this situation. Moreover, how supervisors’ behaviors affect subordinates, followed by the impact on organization is crucial when it comes to leadership. Based on pervious cognitive knowledge of emotion helping related studies and conservation of resources theory, the main focus of this research is to examine whether supervisors’ emotion helping behaviors are associated with personal resources and the distinctive mediating mechanisms that may explain subordinates’ subjective well being and work fatigue, as well as the classification of emotion helping behaviors. Furthermore, understanding the moderating role of power distance orientation according to broad social impact theory. This study is conducted by questionnaire survey and received 152 replies from subordinates. The results indicated that personal resources mediated the relationship between emotion helping – subjective well-being and emotion helping – work fatigue while subordinate power distance orientation play a moderated role between emotion helping and personal resources. This study contributing to the implications for organizational researches and managerial practices. Furthermore, limitation and future direction were being discussed at the end of this paper.
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