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    Title: 國際併購後整合與管理之研究-以臺灣企業併購德商為例
    International Post-merger Integration & Management – The Case of a Taiwanese Firm Merging a German Firm
    Authors: 呂孟達
    Lu, Meng-Ta
    Contributors: 于卓民
    Yu, Chuo-Ming
    Lu, Meng-Ta
    Keywords: 國際併購
    International M&A
    Post-merger integration and management
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-06-12 17:34:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業進行併購的目的是要將企業之間各自擁有的資源和優勢結合、互補產生綜效,最終達到增強企業競爭力、擴大企業規模之目標。全球化的趨勢之下,企業搶占市場最快的方法之一就是靠國際併購。然而,併購併並不是簡單的買賣而已,研究顯示其失敗率約為70-90%。有效的併後整合(Post Merger Integration, PMI)不但是決定企業併購案是否成功的主要因素,也更是最複雜且失敗率最高的部分。成功的併後整合在實務上,必須要有嚴謹的計劃與執行,投入足夠的財務及管理資源,重視文化上的整合,更重要的是高階管理的參與,讓整合的指令與工作能貫徹執行,減少失敗風險。
    The purpose of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is to combine and complement two companies` own resources and advantages to create a synergy, and ultimately achieve the goal via enhancing the competitiveness and expanding the business scale. Under the trend of globalization, one of the fastest ways for companies to seize the market is to rely on international M&A. However, M&A is not simply buy and sell only. Research shows that the failure rate of international M&A is about 70-90%. Effective Post Merger Integration (PMI) is not only the main factor determining the success of a M&A. Successful PMI practices must be rigorously planned and implemented, be invested sufficient resources, pay attention on cultural integration, and involve high-level management, so that the integrated instructions and work can be implemented.
    The case is a study of a Taiwanese business merging a German firm. The Taiwanese company wanted to buy back the trademark rights in European market and also to expand the market share with sales growth. In the process, through the negotiation process of acquisition to set goals for PMI, then mutual consensus was reached. Due to the economic conditions and cultural differences between two countries, the integration and compatibility of both cultures is an important issue. Therefore, via building formal and informal communication channels and the PMI management team to implement the goal of M&A through daily communication and operations. Company tried to retain talents and invested considerable resources to stabilize the morale of employees. They also encouraged employees to contribute their talents for maximizing the results of M&A. After those efforts which company has made, employees are all satisfied with the results of current stage of PMI.
    The study found that if PMI projects can be properly planned in advance, appropriate management teams could be assigned to supervise the entire integration process, mutual respect for both parties’ cultures involved can lead to timely adjustment of the process in case of difficulties or problems. Suppressing the possible disagreements between the two sides will enable them to complete the PMI process more smoothly and achieve the expected goals set for the new organization.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105932023
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